Reach For It?

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Of course there was that one time when...


Will's attention was pulled off the book when he heard grunting noises.

He reached his head and scanned the kitchen where Nico was making dinner for both of them. Cooking was one of the many surprising talents he has. He is Italian, after all.

"Nico? You okay?" He called out when he heard a thud.

"Ugh- fine! I'm- ah!- I'm okay!"

"Okay...?" He reluctantly went back to reading.

"That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and glanced back at me. "It demands to be felt."


He sighed, making sure to mark the page, before standing and making his way to the kitchen.

Nico was on his tip toes, on the step stool, reaching so far up the cabinet that his sweater was rising up his tummy and showing his boxers.

Will did his best not to snicker or coo.

"No no no no mister 'I'm taller than you by five point six inches', I don't need your help thank you very much."


"The only but you're getting is my butt on this step ladder- now move!"

Will still watched him like a hawk to "ensure your safety, darling" as Nico reached up again for the salt on the top shelf.
"Oh my gods Will why did you think it was a good idea to put one of the most common sources of flavor on the top shelf where only a giant could reach?"

"First of all," Will started. "You're just tiny. I can reach it. And second, this is your cabin."

"You practically live here William. More than half of my closet is taken up by your unnecessarily bright clothing."

"Fair point, shorty."

"Hey! I am not-"
He quickly turned around to face Will, inevitably losing his balance in the process.

Will quickly stuck out a hand to help and efficiently wrapped it around his waist when suddenly-
"Stop stop stop! It- hehehe- it tickles! Ah! Stop!"

They both went tumbling down onto the ground, in a tangle of limbs and giggles and blushing.

"Hey guys, wha-"

They turned their heads towards the door that had suddenly swung open, revealing a very very very red faced Jason.

That's when they noticed that Nico was pinned under Will, who was on his hands and knees with his hands on the sides of Nico's head.
"Uh, we're not-"

"I'll just leave you to do your thing." Jason left abruptly, slamming the door shut.

Nico giggled into Will's arm.

"We're never going to tell him, are we?"

"Nah." Will smirked. "Let him imagine."

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