- Chapter Ten-

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I am so sorry but this chapter is going to bring a flood of tears so get those tissues ready, this chapter you will learn something about Chase and see his inner feelings which may or may not make you cry. Also this chapter you may or may not also meet a few newer characters most of which are minor characters but yeah, anyone. I just wanted to take a minute also to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting on this story I really appreciate it, and it means a lot that you guys are willing to take time out and read this so shout out to all of you guys, anyway on with the story.

"Emilia Chester, stop twiddling those thumbs you are making me nervous..." Emilia's mother said looking over at the brunette who was sitting in a chair in the furtherest corner from Addison's bed as possible." ... and come closer, its fine you're not going to hurt her," Emilia's mother said out loud not realizing she had said it out loud."That is the thing though mum. I do not want to hurt her any more than I already have. Now I am going to go grab a hospital coffee no matter how bad they are (the local hospital actually has nice free coffee) does anyone want one well I am up?" Emilia asked wanting to get out of the room before she did any more damage to her younger sister.

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Emilia was in such a flustered mess that she did not notice Chase heading towards Emilia, "You okay Em?" Chase said seeing that there was some sort of problem going on."I just cannot stop thinking this is all my fault, and I can't stop thinking this is all my fault," Emilia said with a tear rolling down her face."Look, this isn't you fault, trust me I will explain soon...Any way there are some people I want you to meet," Chase said walking into the family room leading Emilia, but not before she could get a drink. There sat three people who looked similar to Chase. Emilia knew Instantly where this was going. She was about to meet the family."Emilia, meet my Mum, Dad and younger sister," Chase said leading Emilia over to his family who where sitting in the seats."So you are the young lady who allowed my Little Man to see colors, and the one who he spent the night at the hospital for," Chase's mum said ruffling Chase's hair."Mum!" Chase said sounding Embarrassed as his face quickly filled with a scarlet red.Emilia practically mirrored him."If you hurt my Brother I swear I'll...' A little girl not much older than what Addison would be stood in front of her with her arms crossed in front of her, with her wavy ginger hair falling to her shoulders."Now, now Evolet Joy Kingswater, there is no need for that", her father said looking sternly at the girl.

"But..." Evolet started to say before getting another stern look from her farther.That's when Emilia noticed it. Both Evolet, Chase and their parents all had matching necklaces."Um Chase?" Emilia whispered to Chase while taking another sip of the Mocachino that was in front of her."Mhm," Chase said with his eyes closed, leaning back in the chair as his chest slowly rose and feel."What is with all the matching Necklaces," Emilia said.Chase shot up faster than a sleeping child that you would offer a chocolate bar to."Come with me,"He said in a suspicious tone.Chase lead Emilia out of the family room, and down what looked to be the abandoned part of the hospital, like no-one had roomed these halls for years. Emilia suspected it due to the amount of cobwebs and dust that was around the place. Emilia had seen this many times in a crime show, where the murder takes the unsuspecting victim to an abandoned location before brutal killed them. "Gosh I need to stop watching those shows,' Emilia thought to herself. Chase turned down a dark and narrow corridor and that's when her heart started racing, "This is it," Emilia thought to herself as Chase slowed down and turned to her with a worried look on his face."Now what I am about to reveal to you, you must never tell my parents I told you, even if they themselves bring it up with you, and you must never tell anyone at school. Got it," Chase said in a tone that Emilia had never heard him speak in in the few days of knowing him."I promise," Emilia said still worried that he was going to kill and depose of her body.

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