Chapter 17

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Emilia screamed when she heard the gun shots, the sound that quite possible took her sister, or even Evolet. Emilia felt a flood of emotions fill her body, and felt like she could quite possibly collapse at any given time.
The sound of a second lot of sirens filled the air. Emilia turned around to see a flash of lights heading their way, with cars pulling over on the side of the road allowing the ambulance to get through.

The medics ran into the room, everything played in slow motion for Emilia. All she wanted was for this moment in time to end, and also what she wanted was for this to never happen.

Emilia hated the idea that Addison or Evolet could be lying on the ground in the present moment clinging on to life, without their siblings there to comfort them. All they could do right now was pray and hope that their siblings would pull though.

"We came as soon as we could," both Emilia's mother, and Chase's parents said as they arrived, parking their cars in the most awkward positions on the grass lawn in front of the old abandon home where the attacker had been hiding the girls, torturing not only them, but there families as well. Sure Emilia might have ignored someone, but that gave him no right to torture her younger sister in order to get revenge on Emilia.

"She'll by fine," Emilia's mother said rubbing her back. "She'll be fine," Emilia noticed a single tear roll down her mothers face. Suddenly past emotions from the past several months came flooding out, the guilt everything.

"Oh honey it's alright," Emilia's mother said while placing her arms around her daughter, she knew that these past months had taken her tole on her daughter. It was in this moment that a mother held her daughter harder then she ever held before, knowing that in the moment family was all that mattered.

That's when Emilia noticed a masked man running from the house. "Mum, he is getting away," Emilia said pulling away from her mother's grip, about to go and chase after the masked man.

"Emilia, it's fine. The cops will get him I promise," Emilia's mother said while wiping the single tear from her eyes. "It is going to be okay. I promise you it is going to be okay," Emilia's mother said while stroking her hair.

Emilia hated the feeling that she had at the present moment, so much so that she wouldn't wish this upon anyone not even the one she hated most. Because being this close to losing someone that you care so deaply about and watching their lives hang on the brink of living or not really hurts.

And in that moment the pain for Addison grew worse, as two lifeless bodies were wheeled out of the abandoned home, and into the back of the ambulance.

Everything went slowly and before she knew it, Emilia was being shoved into the back of the ambulance, as Chase stood at the door.

"They will be alright. I promise," Chase said not taking his eyes of Emilia before walking to the neighboring ambulance.

Emilia looked down at her sisters pale face as a tear rolled out of her eyes. She picked up her sisters pale hand as stroking it as the medics placed an IV line in her spare hand.

"It's going to be okay. I love you and I am sorry," Emilia said as she held onto her hand, not wanting to let go, in fears that the moment she let go, her sister would too let go.

Time slowed while Emilia was in that van; although the outside world was speeding, everything that happened in that van, went slower than time itself. Emilia took in every moment trying to savour these moments with Addison. Even though they were completely terrible and the thought of these moments being her last made Emilia go numb inside, she knew she had to hang onto these moments, as if she didn't and her little life slipped away from her then Emilia would regret these moments forever.

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