2. Living in Fear

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p.s don't hate me... had to get this story going somehow...

-Hunter xx.

[not edited]


Liam couldn't bring himself to move from the attic, he just wanted to read and listen to everything that Louis had left. He couldn't stomach the thought of someone actually feeling like this. The same words Louis spoke, were the ones that his little brother had spoke, before he pulled the trigger. Liam was pleading for him to not, but he killed himself right in front of his family.

"Joey please, we're begging you, don't do this!" Liam yelled as his parents were hysterically crying behind him. Joey was in the middle of the living room, crying hysterically with a gun pointed to his head, cocking it as he brought it up to his temple.

"I've had enough! The teasing, the bullying, the beatings and no one believes me! I've even went to the police and they couldn't do anything about it. I'm done, I can't live like this anymore."

Liam gave him a pleading look, "Joey, we believed you because of every time you came home with bruises or cuts. The police were idiots because they didn't want to deal with a bullying case. But, please, I'll bring you to the police station in the next town, we'll get this sorted out. Please, just don't pull the trigger, you're much stronger than this!"

"Please, listen to Liam Joey, please!" Liam's mother pleaded as the tears were cascading down her face, she not wanting to lose her son to something like this.

"That's not the point, the principle doesn't even care! The biggest fucking bullies are the stars of the baseball team, he won't expel them! I've tried to tell him and all he does is give them detention. Then their friends come after me and hurt me more, I can't go through that again!"

"Then we'll switch schools, anything!" Joey's father finally screamed out as he tried to make sense in all of this.

"Joey, please, do-" And that's when Joey Lee Payne pulled the trigger, killing himself instantly. All Liam could hear were the scream that his mother let out, and the police sirens. The paramedics trying to save his baby brother, but nothing worked, he was pronounced dead at the scene. Only thirteen years old, he could have had a much better life, but because of the stupid kids he was living in a fear.

But, the good news were, the two bullies that caused all his pain were arrested for harassment and assault. They were sent to a military school in America, while their posse were all expelled, and forced to do community service.

Liam wiped away the stray tear, and he re-read the letter. How could anyone even do that to someone? He knew what Louis had meant, he could sense it and it made his own skin crawl. He couldn't even think about the possibility of someone hurting others like that. What has this world come to, he thought. He didn't like how in this world there were people getting bullied on a daily basis and no one cared.

Liam found the video that went along with the letter, and he shakingly put it into the dvd player, putting in a mental note to listen to the audiotape later, if he needed to. He gasped at the figure he was looking at in the video, he was beautiful. He frowned when he noticed the dark bags underneath his puffy eyes, the puffiness was probably from crying so much, the prominent collar bones and how his blue eyes looked dull. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, and it made Liam sad.

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