3. Facebook.

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brief mention of rape and suicide.


Liam had decided that he wanted to listen to the audiotape next, he didn't know how he would react to another video after the first one he watched. He cried the whole time that he was unpacking things, the visions of Louis was in his mind, and he couldn't get them out.

"Why would someone so beautiful hurt so much?" He muttered quietly as he stroked the picture that Louis had left in the box. It was probably dated before all the bullying started because he looked genuinely happy. Liam had looked at the back of the photo and it said, "I miss feeling like this, please save me x."

Liam frowned, but he promised himself that he would save Louis, even if it killed him. He decided to take a bit of a mental break and he went on his phone to check his Facebook. He scrolled through the endless amount of posts of his friends, drunken posts of friends, and then even played some of the cute videos of animals others shared.

He sighed and went to update his status, "Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones I will try to fix you..." He knew that song had been overused when it came to saving people with issues like Louis', but for the second time in his life he meant it one hundred percent. A few of his old friends immediately liked the status, someone even commented on it saying "Good song choice." If only they knew that it was meant as a message to others, if they were having a hard time, he would be there for them. But, no one ever understood, not even his best friend when his brother passed away.

All he would hear was the constant sorry's from people, the sad looks everyone had gave him. What even made him have to blink to believe it, was the one person who made his life hell, actually gave him a hug. The one person who he'd least expect it actually showed him something no one else did, and when he hugged him, that's all it took for him to break. The boy, known as Andy, just rubbed his back as he cried into his chest. Andy sneered at anyone who tried to say something funny, and shouted at the ones watching.

Liam had made a friend that day, and he only then realized the reason. Andy felt for him, he knew his pain, his suffering and questions. Andy's younger sister had committed suicide a year prior when her boyfriend had raped her. Andy had been furious when he found out, but he was too late to try to help her, she had already taken the blade to her skin. Liam was thankful for Andy, never did he tell him sorry, just that it gets better.

Liam clicked on Andy's profile, and smiled at the photo he shared on his timeline. It was of Andy and his little sister when they were younger, seeing as today was her birthday. He shared a heartfelt message, that even made Liam shed a tear. "Today would have been your 21st birthday, baby girl. I miss you each and every day. I miss your laugh, your smile, your everything. Rest in Peace Tabs, Andy loves you with all his heart. I'll be raising my glass for you later." Liam liked the photo and commented a heart, thinking that was good enough to show that he was there for him, like he had been all these years.

Liam then thought for a second, what if he tried to find Louis' Facebook. He gets his laptop, not wanting to use up his data on his phone, and went to search for him. He typed in his name and a few popped up, but the first hit was him. Liam clicked on it and went to the profile picture, it was dated almost three years ago. Far before the time that he started to get bullied.

He clicked off the picture and went to see what he could see, when something caught his eye. His last post was dated a few months ago, but it startled him, it was a quote that made Liam's heart wrench in his chest.

"You know that I'm unhappy.
You know that I'm depressed.
You know that I'm suicidal.
But, still you act like
everything is fine."

Liam went into the box and he started to search, he needed to know when the last tape was dated. He cursed loudly when he noticed it was the same date as the quote. Liam's eyes widened, "What if he already killed himself?" He whispered quietly to himself, but he wasn't going to give up. He needed to know everything that Louis was, what made him tick or laugh, so that if there was the possibility of him meeting him, he'd know what to do and what to avoid.

Liam went back to the post and noticed there was only one nice comment, from a lad known as Harry Styles, "Must of been the best friend," He commented on it as he read it and really it was as if time stopped.

"Don't you even dare Louis. You are better than everyone. Don't listen to what those assholes say, you are meant to be here in this world. Those people don't matter, what matters is that you are still here. Please don't, I'll be over later. I love you."

Liam frowned, he knew the 'I love you', was probably a friendly thing and it probably upset Louis to no end. He had known from the video that Louis was in love with Harry, and Harry would never see his as anything other than his best friend. He wanted to know if something happened, but he decided to click on Harry's page and noticed he was frequently on.

The last post was just a few hours ago, it was a picture of him and Louis laughing with their heads thrown back. Harry's arm was around his shoulder with the caption, "I love you buddy, don't you forget that."

"Fuck, I need to find out if he's still alive. But, first, I need to finish the tapes and--fuck, I hope I have enough time."

Audiotapes - Lilourry AUWhere stories live. Discover now