7. Siblings

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a/n:  i would have updated this already... but i hit a road block...anyways, here you go.


Liam and Andy were sitting in the living room of Liam's home, trying to think of what to do next. Liam had sat with Andy as they watched, listened and read the letters, videos and audiotapes that Liam had already saw. Andy wanted a bigger feel as to what he's getting himself into, so Liam offered to just that.

"I think we should listen to the next audiotape?" Andy said as they had finished the last tape that Liam had watched, which made Liam cry harder and Andy just sitting there emotionless.

"Only if his letter says there is one, but if there isn't, we'll just watch the next video."

Andy nodded and he pulled out the next letter, he set it between them too as Andy started reading.

Well, I guess if you're reading this then you've come far. I'm pretty sure that there are going to be five more tapes, maybe one audiotape, I'm not sure. But, I don't want to keep you longer than you have to, you know? I don't want to force you into keeping up with this if you don't plan on doing anything to try to help save me.

But, hey, at this point I may not want anyone to save me at this point anymore.

Anyways, the next video will be some insight with my siblings and why they hate me.

Still alive and barely breathing,

Louis x.

"There is seriously something so fucked up with this world, like I don't understand someone as sweet as Louis have to go through things like this is beyond me."

"I wish I knew the answer to that," Liam mumbled as he put in the next tape.

Louis looked directly into the camera and sighed, "I guess this is where I tell you why my siblings hate me, but even after I tell you, you'd be thinking that I'm the only sane one around here. Which, in my opinion I actually am."

"I have two siblings, a sister and brother. My sister's name is Breanne and my brother's name is Jacob. They are twins and are turning eleven in a month. I don't think they understand a lot of things, they used to look up to me. Jacob would come to me all the time asking for help, but then everything changed. It all changed when I came out, they thought that since my mother didn't like me, that it would give them the idea to hate on me too. They do everything in their power to spite me."

Louis sighed, "Just like one time I needed to use the car to get to talent show since Harry was going to be in it. My mother had already told me I could use it, but right as I was about to take the keys, Jacob wanted to go to the movies. I even offered to bring them and I'll come pick them up, but Jacob threw a fit. So I had to walk to school, in the pouring rain. I was lucky I had my gym clothes in my locker or I would have gotten sick. Harry ended up letting me sleep over his because he knew that my mum would try to do something to me because of the car thing, even though my brother was being annoying about it."

"My sister, she doesn't really do much to make it seem like she hates me, but she doesn't do anything to stop it. She usually stays quiet, but I always catch her smiling at me sometimes, before she turns away. I really do think that she doesn't care that I'm gay or that my mum hates me, she's probably just confused as to why my mom does these things." Louis just looked over at the clock, "They'll be home soon, maybe it won't be too bad today, I did everything my mum asked me too, so maybe I'll be let off the hook. But, knowing her she'll make an excuse to yell at me."

Just as Louis was going to continue, his phone buzzed and his face lit up, "It's Harry, he's asking me how I am and if I'd want to go to a movie and maybe sleep over his house later. And of course I'll say yes." Louis was quick to reply before he put his eyes back on to the camera, "I need to be completely honest with you, right now Harry is the only thing that's keeping me here, keeping me happy. If I didn't have him, I really don't know where I'd be. He's my rock."

Louis heard a car door slam, "Well, I need to go. I'll see you in the next video."

Andy looked at Liam, "That is seriously some fucked up shit, just because his mother doesn't like him doesn't mean his siblings should automatically hate him too."

Liam nodded, "Well, with kids that age they will believe anything that their parents tell them since they think it's the right thing."

"When half of it is stupid shit."

"Well, it's not like we can go into the video and hug Louis to tell them he'll be alright."

"True, but it would make it so much easier if that was possible."

Audiotapes - Lilourry AUWhere stories live. Discover now