Epilogue #2

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So, well... this is the end of a very LONG journey. I cannot thank you guys enough for all of the support on this story. I would have never thought that this story would have been this popular. Anyways, thanks for sticking by me when I barely updated for a while... but yeah.

Just remember I did not plan this ending... I did this one for the readers, but it was still fun to write. :)

Warning: sexual content and rape/abuse

Thank you for reading,

Hunter xx.


[insert beginning of first epilogue here]

The therapy was actually working, at first Louis was a bit hesitant, but after sometime he started to trust everyone who was trying to help him. He thought that he would forever be a depressed boy, but he can surely say that he's getting better.

He's even made some friends, people just like him, people who share the same kind of stories that he does. He even trusted his circle enough to spill his deepest secret.

"It was almost a year ago when things started to go downhill, it was the night that I was raped. I was walking home and their was an alleyway that I usually take as a shortcut, but there were these drunk guys. It was the middle of the day and they were already completely out of it. I tried to get away from them, but they were stronger than me." Louis took a shaky breath before he continued, "They left me in the alley barely conscious and I managed to hobble home. My fucking mother laughed in my face when I got home, she didn't care that I was basically bleeding, and told me to clean myself up. My teacher who I trusted wanted to help me but since I washed away the evidence they wouldn't have ever been able to find the men who did it. So, I have to live my life knowing that there are people who have probably hurt other people walking freely in the streets. I just wished I would have done something, something that would have potentially saved me from coming here. I've tried to end my life so many times because of that, but there was always one thing that would prevent me."

A kid on Louis' left asked him the one question that made him pause longer than need, "What thing always prevented you?"

"It wasn't a thing, it was a person. A person who I've been in love with ever since I can remember, a person who doesn't love me the same way."

The kid frowned, "I'm sorry, but hey, just think of him as your own knight in shining armour."

Louis chuckled, "Yeah, you're right. He really is."

And Louis couldn't argue with that.


He found him, after all this time he finally found him. After he had got in contact with Louis' best friend Harry, he was going to meet up with him to finally meet Louis.

So, here Liam is in his car driving to where Harry said that Louis was. It was an outpatient rehab and he usually picks him up everyday after his therapy sessions. He felt like Louis would need a pick me up, so he told him that he would meet him on the side of the building a four, which was a half hour before Louis would get out.

Liam pulled up to the facility and spotted a tall lad with his hair up in a bun and sunglasses on. He parked his car next to Harry and the only thing that Harry could do was hug him, hard.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think that someone would have taken time out of their life and watch, read and listen to his story."

Liam shrugged, "In the beginning I didn't think that it would have overtaken as much of my life as it did, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. He intrigued me and I just wanted to save him."

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