Epilogue #1

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Okay, so this is the first of the two epilogues, and please prepare yourself for this will make you cry because i'm over here crying. I should warn you that this chapter has depictions of suicidal thoughts, suicide, death and self harm.

This epilogue is the one I had planned from the beginning but I knew I needed an alternative ending for those who still want Louis to survive. So, please don't get mad at this one when i really only planned one epilogue until recently.

Please enjoy and thank you to everyone who's read this story over the past couple of months.

Love you all,

Hunter xx.

[[will come back later and edit this chapter]]


After Harry had found Louis filming himself, Louis had told him his plan of trying to get someone to help him. Harry told him that it won't ever work but Louis just denied that.

"How do you know? Even if they can't save me, I could possibly help someone else!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "What do you mean? How can these depressing tapes help anyone else?"

"Because it can show them what happens to people like us. People who don't have the love they deserve. It could open their eyes to what's happening to them. It could potentially save them!"

"But, what about you? Don't you need saving too?"

Louis shrugged, "I feel like my life has come to an end Harry. I don't want to continue on living like this. Living with the abuse and the constant reminder that you can't love me the way that I do."

Harry sighed and grabbed Louis' face to look at him in the eyes, "We've been over this before, I do love you, but I love you too much that being together wouldn't really do much. You're like my brother who I love dearly and would die if I lost you."

Louis sighed, "I know that Harry. But, please can you get me out of my house? I don't want to be there anymore."

Harry nodded, "Want me to help you move in with me?"

Louis smiled, "Please? And I signed myself up for some outpatient therapy, maybe that can help."

Harry kissed his forehead, "I'm so proud of you."


It wasn't working, the therapy was only making everything worse. Louis didn't want to be here anymore. He knew that Harry wouldn't be home for a few hours so he decided to sit on the floor of his bedroom, staring at the picture of him and Harry on the floor with him. He left him a letter, along with the many tear stains on the paper.

The tears were still running freely as he stared at the pills his doctor gave him, to help with his anxiety and depression, but they made him feel nothing. He wanted to still be able to feel something, but nothing when he took the pills.

He opened up the pill bottle and he poured out the rest of them into his hand. He stared at them before he started to take them one by one. He felt like his body was buzzing, his body started to go numb and his vision started to become spotty. Louis laid down on the floor as the effects of taking too many started to course through his veins.

Harry had decided to come home early, but he didn't expect to find his best friend fighting for his life in his house. He dropped to his knees as Louis' eyes stared at him emotionless, tears pouring down his face, "I'm sorry. I couldn't handle it. I'll always love you."

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