6. Helping Hand

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a/n: I don't even know what to think of this chapter...


"Wait, you mean, oh fuck," Andy muttered quietly, "Tell me everything, now."

Liam sighed, "Alright, but can we order dinner first? I'm starving."

Andy nodded, "Sure, I'm guessing it will be a long dinner?"

Liam shrugged, "We could always continue at mine if necessary, but I don't really think it will be that long of a story."

Andy nodded as the waiter came over to take their dinner orders, and Andy also had ordered more beer.

The new beer was set down and Andy took a sip before he turned to Liam, "Tell me who this Louis Tomlinson is and why are you so caught up in saving him."

"He reminds me so much of my brother, the videos he made of himself, I literally see everything my brother did. Some of the things I never took notice until the last minute. The scars that litter his body, the emotions he just gives in each, and the stories. The stories he says, they are horrible, I wouldn't wish half of those things on to my own worst enemy. I'm actually surprised that he lasted as long as he did."

"Has he talked about killing himself?"

"Not necessarily, but did mention in one of the music videos that he thinks his time is limited. I'm so scared that by the time I get to the end of the video he's already gone, everything that I'm doing wouldn't mean anything."

"Dude, have you even checked the paper for an obituary?"

Liam deadpanned, "No, because that would be too easy. I actually want to know his story, so that if it were the case. I could bring the information to the police and tell them why he did what he did. I don't want to just show up without knowing everything, and then they could say I'm hiding something, which I'm not."

"Fine, I just thought I would ask, seeing as you look like you haven't slept in days."

"Well, I did just move out of my parents house on Monday, I've only been in the new house for three days, so I'm just tired from all the unpacking I've been doing."

"And the fascination with someone that actually may not be alive."

Liam glared at Andy, "And your point is?"

Andy held his hands up in defense, "Nothing, I was just saying something that could be true, no worries."

Liam sighed, "I'm sorry, I've become so attached."

"And that you may be in love with him?" Andy added in quietly enough for Liam to hear.

Liam looked over to him, "I don't even know what I feel to be honest, there's just a weight on my heart like I can't explain it."

"So, you may not be in love with him, maybe you just don't know what to do. Like you're heart is steering you towards him, while your head is trying to tell you that this is only going to hurt you in the end."

"I don't even know."

"You know what I said was true, but."

"But, what?"

"I'll help you."

"You'll help me?"

"Help you with this whole thing, even if it turns out he's no longer alive, I'll help put the pieces back together."


Andy sighed, "You and I both know that this will kill you, so I'll help put you back together like I did when you lost your brother."

Liam nodded, "Fine, okay, you can help."

Andy placed his hand on Liam's back and rubbed it soothingly, "I'm always going to be here to pick up the pieces, no matter how hard it might be."

Liam smiled, "Thank you."

Andy chuckled, "No need to thank me, just what friends do to help their friend."

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