9. The End of a Road

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So, so sorry for the long wait... but here is the final chapter before the two epilogues. They will be posted within the week. Hope you enjoy!

-Hunter xx.



Liam and Andy had managed to watch and read almost every single tape and letter, and listened to the very few audiotapes when they were finally down to just one letter and a video tape.

"Liam, this isn't healthy. You've spent every waking minute trying to find out everything about this boy. You either find him or we stop."

"I can't, I need to know the truth. I need to know what happened. I need to know what's on the last tape. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I don't finish," Liam started to ramble, making Andy having to slap him out of it.

"Liam, just shower first, you haven't showered in three days. And eat something. I'm not letting you watch the last one until then."

Liam grumbled a few curses at Andy as he walked to his bathroom and showered. He finally shaved his scruff on his face and sighed as he was finally all smoothly shaven. Once Liam came back down the stairs, Andy had ordered chinese food and they ate in silence, it was very weird to say the least.

Liam sighed, "I'm sorry for getting caught up in this whole thing."

Andy shook his head, "It's no problem, I would have too. I was just getting really concerned with your wellbeing.

Liam nodded, "I understand. It won't happen again."

Andy just shook his head, "You and I both know that this will happen with something else eventually."

Liam shrugged and just sat down on the couch as Andy popped in the last video tape, but not before they read the very last letter which brought tears to their eyes and it made everything all too real.

I think this will be the last that you ever hear from me.

Liam's eyes kept going over that same sentence over and over again. He didn't want it to be true, he wanted this to be a dream, he wanted to rewind the past few minutes and pretend he didn't just read that.

I can't take it anymore. The constant abuse from everyone, even from people I don't know, I can't take it anymore. I want this all to be over and I know I can't even bring myself to doing it. But, maybe if I think about it long enough then I'll just do it.

Pills? Maybe.

Cutting? Possibly.

Jumping? Too scared.

Drowning? Not even possible.

See? I don't even think I'll be to do any of those things, they make my skin crawl at the thought of it.

This letter is very short, sorry for all the tear stains, the video will explain everything better. Maybe you can be the one that saves me.

Almost gone,

Louis Tomlinson.

Liam saw the writing had been smudged a lot on the paper, making his eyes tear up. He wiped his eyes quickly as he put on the last video tape.

Louis sniffled as he focused the camera, he was wearing his glasses and his blue eyes looked dull. His collarbones were very prominent and it looked like he hadn't slept for days and his skin was a sickly pale color.

"This is my last video, I don't want to live anymore. Everyone makes my life a living hell and I don't feel wanted. I don't feel appreciated. I feel like everyone wants me gone, even Harry," Louis spoke quietly, his eyes watering more and a tear trickled down his face, which he was quick to wipe away.

"Ever since that incident that happened, Harry's been acting weird around me and I don't know what I did. He's like hesitating when he's saying things and I don't know what to fucking do anymore. I just want my best friend back." His voice cracked at the last bit of him speaking.

Louis then did the unthinkable, he rolled up his sleeves and showed the angry red lines on both arms. The scars went passed his elbows, and he scratched at them violently opening up the scabbed cuts.

He sniffled, again, "My skin itches to go deeper, and deeper. I want to go deeper, but every time there is something that tells me to stop. Not to go deeper, but enough to where it scars." Louis frowned as looked at his arms, they weren't bleeding as much as he wanted, so he scratched harder until he was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I just want to die! I don't want to be here anymore! It's hurting me so much that I can't be happy. I just want to be fucking happy for a change." Louis managed to scratch his arms so bad that he actually reopened a recent cut badly.

"Louis! Louis! Open the fucking door!" A strange voice was heard through the door as they pounded on the door. It was a man's voice, but a young man's voice.

Louis froze, but didn't move as the stranger got into the bedroom only to reveal a very sad Harry. "Fuck, Louis. Why?"

Louis frowned and just shrugged as he ran a finger over the blood on his arms. Harry sighed, "We've been over this before, when you feel like hurting yourself you need to call me. Let's get you cleaned up." And Louis didn't protest.

Harry looked at the camera and sighed before speaking, "Whomever is watching this, please help." And it went black.

"Holy shit," Andy blurted out and Liam was motionless. He was crying quietly at a boy that he fell in love with through a tv screen.

"I need to find him, I need---wait! I have a phone book why didn't I just look there before?!" Liam bolted for his kitchen cabinet and he frowned when he couldn't find any Tomlinson's that sounded familiar, but he did come across a Harry Styles.

He quickly dialed the number while his hands violently shook, his heart was beating out of his chest, and there was an answer.


"Yes, is this a Harry Styles?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"My name is Liam Payne, I'm calling on behalf of a Louis Tomlinson."

Liam heard a heavy sigh on the other end, "What about him?"

"I found his box. I watched, listened and read everything."

Harry gasped before uttering one word that would make Liam's heart stop, "Finally."

Audiotapes - Lilourry AUWhere stories live. Discover now