Chapter Five: Bloodlust

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Jeff felt himself come back to himself, head throbbing. Whatever they'd been obsessively drugging him with had certainly done its job. He felt half-dead and groggy. His body wouldn't obey him. He tried to look around but found that the eyelids they'd given him didn't respond. 'Jeez this is a pain in the ass,' he thought, 'I actually have to think about this.' He sighed, focusing his attention on his eyes. Eventually the lids opened, gifting him with his sight once more. Blinking, it seemed, required less effort on his part.

He tried to get up and found that he was bound to the same metal operating table as before. He glared, and it felt strange to actually do so. 'Like hell they're doing anything else to me.' He grunted as he tried to snap the straps belting him to the table. At first they didn't give, but he kept pulling until he heard it tear. He used his free arm to undo his other arm, and began on his legs when the door crashed open.

"Jeffery," Dr. Neal was saying nervously, hand held in mock surrender, "we aren't going to hurt you."

'Too late,' he thought, turning to pick up a scalpel from table of tools beside him. He looked at it, testing the tip with his finger. 'I never liked scalpels but it'll have to do.'

"Jeffery," Dr. Neal said again. He turned to look at the man, blinking slowly, "how about you give me the scalpel and we get you back to your room okay? We won't hurt you."

"My name isn't Jeffery," he commented. Dr. Neal paused and within a split-second he whipped around and jammed the scalpel into the carotid artery on the man's neck. He gasped, blood pouring from the wound as Jeff ripped the scalpel free. Blood spattered his cheek and even without his slashed cheeks his smile was terrifying. "Also, I don't like liars Dr. Neal."

He exited the room, slashing at anyone who approached. It became apparent that the scalpel was a bad weapon when it was torn from his hand, stuck in the flesh of some poor nurse. He swore loudly, skidding as he rounded a corner. He heard shouts behind him and slid into the first room he saw. He grinned as he noted where he was. The Kitchen.

He tore a butcher's knife from the knife block, whirling to meet the people chasing him. He slit the first one's throat before they'd even entered the room. More fell in a flurry of slashes and warm blood. Jeff felt his grin stretch painfully but ignored it, releasing a loud, sadistic laugh.

He tore through the place in a bloody frenzy, tearing through necks, stomachs, anything his blade would reach. Bodies littered the once white floor, blood oozing everywhere. Still he had yet to see Dr. Russell. The one who destroyed him.

'Game on doctor.'


Jack came running into the kitchen, nearly tripping over himself to shove his phone at Slenderman. The elder make took the device, staring at it. His face shifted to one of shock. On the screen read the headline 'Local psychiatric doctor believes he can fix detained killer'. He looked to Jack. "You believe this is him?" Jack nodded furiously and took his phone back, staring at the screen. "All right. There's no reason not to look into it." Jack stared at him and nodded, tearing off back towards the hall. Likely to retrieve Hoodie and Masky.

He found he was correct when the trio returned only a few minutes later. They all clustered close to him and he teleported them away. The dark sky looked overhead, no moon of stars to lighten the place. They searched for the hospital that Jeff was supposedly being kept in, combing the entire town for it. Eventually it loomed before them. Masky approached the front door, cocking his head. "It's too quiet," he murmured. Hoodie approached the door as well, placing a hand on the doors and pushing them open.

As they entered the hospital Slender noted the darkened halls and strange silence. Something was clearly wrong. Humans, especially in a place like this, were always active. They were always bustling around. It was just in their nature. Now, to see the place so dead and silent was unnerving. Jack hurried past them, towards the other set of double doors. He shoved them open and the reality of what had occurred hit them like a moving wall.

Blood was splattered across the once white floors and walls, bodies left and forgotten in the puddles. They were torn, limbs and necks almost severed in some places. 'This had to have been Jeff,' he thought, 'Surely no human could cause this much damage.'

They followed the path of carnage through the halls, the blood and gore getting thicker the further they went in. The metallic scent of blood didn't bother them, and neither did the soft squelching beneath their shoes. It felt comforting, knowing that their companion was leaving such a destructive path behind him. It wasn't the blood that eventually led them to Jeff.

It was the scream, loud, shrieking and almost inhuman.

They made their way towards it until it cut off. Eventually they found themselves outside a metal door to an operating room. They heard a voice, muffled by the door. 'Is that Jeff?' Slender wondered. They pushed it open, staring at the scene beyond.

Jeff was standing over the operating table, blood spattered everywhere on the white outfit he wore. A large knife was clutched tightly in his fist and his body was shaking with rage. They couldn't see his face, but the man on the table showed his anger. The man's face was mutilated beyond recognition. Blood was dripping onto the floor to make a dark puddle that was rapidly spreading. Slender watched him closely. It didn't seem safe to approach him like this, a dark aura surrounding the boy. It felt as if any move towards him would result in death; which was ridiculous since they couldn't kill on another.

While he stood there silently, not wanting to approach, Jack had no such problem. The boy all but threw himself at Jeff, latching on like a child to its parent. Jack wasn't the clingy type, and Jeff wasn't one to allow such casual contact, yet they both did with each other. As if they understood something about each other that no one else did. It was strange, but it was them.

Jeff turned to look at Jack, calming a bit before tensing again. "Why are you all here." His voice was calm, and somehow that was more frightening than if he'd been angry.

"Jeff," Slender said, hoping to pacify the boy, "Jack saw you were in trouble. Did you expect us to leave you in there?" Jeff looked up and met his gaze. Slender paused.

"What happened to your face?" Hoodie asked. And Jeff was back to normal, looking like he wanted to smack the boy.

"Mind your own damn business," he hissed. The two started bickering Jack standing behind Jeff and Masky standing behind Hoodie. Slender smiled though no one could see.

'Hoodie raises a good question though,' he thought, 'what did they do to Jeff?' The boy looked, well, normal. And that wasn't good. Jeff had always enjoyed his strange face, it made him feel as if he were truly a Creepypasta. But the humans had fixed most of him. His cheeks had been sealed, his eyes restored. They hadn't fixed his skin, thank god, but it made Jeff look too human now. Jeff stopped arguing all of a sudden and caught slender staring at him before hugging and heading for the door. "Where are you going?" He asked a bit too roughly.

"I'm leaving," Jeff said, "and thanks for the concern but I can take care of myself. That's why I left in the first place." Something about the way he said the last statement made Slender believe he was lying.

"Leave tomorrow morning then," Slender said, "I have something I wish to discuss with you first." When Jeff only glared, telling him with his gaze to get a better reason, he continued. "Besides, I assume you want your knife back. Or do you plan to keep using that kitchen knife in your hand?" Jeff looked down to the knife in his hand and dropped it to the floor with a loud clang.

"Fine," he said, "I need to grab a change of clothes first."

"From where?" Jeff shrugged turning away.

"My shit is here somewhere," he commented. Slender shook his head, waiting for him to return.

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