Chapter Fourteen: Ripping Through Flesh

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"Jeff...what the hell are you doing?" The teen killer looked back at the masked proxy, frowning.

"I'm done with this shit," he replied, still pressing his body through the bars. 'Halfway there. Just gotta get my head out somehow...' He shifted, feeling his skull hit the bars and pause. 'C'mon...'

"How is this smart Jeff?" Hoodie replied, watching the other struggle to get his head through the bars.

"Shut up," the teen shot back, "besides, don't you want to go rescue your little boyfriend?" Hoodie looked away, likely blushing under his mask.

"He's not my boyfriend," Hoodie replied.

"But you want him to be," Jeff stated, turning his dark gaze to the proxy, "now come help shove my head through. It should fit but I need a push."

"So what if you get out?" Hoodie asked, standing nonetheless.

"If I fit, then you two idiots will fit. Now come here." Hoodie sighed, waiting for Jeff to position himself before pushing at the male's head. Jeff grunted, before his skull finally slipped through the bars and he stumbled free. His head throbbed a bit, but he ignored it. "Alright, Hoodie you're next."

"The hell? This is the stupidest idea I've ever heard," the proxy protested. Jeff stood there, glaring. "Fine. Move back a bit." Jeff did as he was told, letting Hoodie move to press his head through. He huffed, stuck halfway. "See? It's not gonna work. We aren't all quite as soft boned up there Jeff."

"Funny," Jeff said, "you always say I'm a hard head." Hoodie huffed again, not amused.

"I think I'm stuck," the proxy said, pulling. His head didn't move.

"Fine," Jeff said, "Jack, give him a push would you."

"What? Wait, don't push-" he cut off as Jack shoved him forward. Hoodie's head slipped through, and the proxy groaned. "Fucking hell! Not cool man."

"Just shut up and get out here." The proxy eventually bent himself and slid free, rubbing at his skull. 'Jack shouldn't have an issue,' Jeff thought, 'he's smaller than either of us.' And Jeff was right. Jack slipped free without a hitch. Well, other than his mask catching on the bars. The boy twisted and turned, but the mask simply refused to stop being a hindrance. "You'll have to take it off Jack." The boy slumped a bit, still stuck in the bars.

"Jeff's right Jack," Hoodie said, "I know you don't like showing your face but it's just for a moment." A soft sigh escaped the silent male and he reached up, pulling off his hood. Messy brown hair spilled free around his face, but Jack ignored it in favor of unstrapping the mask. It clattered to the floor as Jack stumbled back, blinking. He hurriedly turned his face away, retrieving his mask and putting it back on. Yet not before they both saw his face, his eyes black holes of nothing. Jack slipped his mask into place and pulled his hood up, looking down at his feet. No one said anything.

"We should get moving," Jeff said at last, "I'm getting an urge to slaughter some people. Jack, you might be able to get something to eat too. I'm sure you're hungry by now." Jack perked up and nodded, happy again.

"We should split up," Hoodie said, "just in case then hopefully one of us will get out at the very least." Agreement made, they all hurried off in separate directions. Jeff tore through the hallways, checking every room that he knew was empty for some form of weapon. He found nothing.

Eventually he found the room where he'd been cut open and smirked. There was sure to be some kind of blade in there that he could use. After scrounging around for a while he finally located some tool he didn't recognize. The shape was somewhat similar to a scalpel, yet the blade was much larger and the handle not quite as sleek. He tossed it up, feeling the weight as it landed. He grinned. 'Perfect.'

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