Chapter Fifteen: Reunion

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Hoodie tore through the halls of the facility. Slenderman had pointed him towards his companion, and that relief overwhelmed his anger at being lied to. He easily tore through anyone he came across, determined that no one would stand in his way. Masky's mask hung in his grip. Through everything, he knew he had to return this. Masky would want it, the shield that had become his new identity.

He rounded the corner, nearly falling over himself. There, panting and out of breath, was his proxy companion. "Tim!" The name was out of his mouth before he could stop it. Yet the unmasked proxy didn't seem to care. He all but charged at him, and the hooded proxy caught him easily, swamped by relief. 'He's safe,' was all he could think, 'I didn't fail him. I kept him safe, just like I swore I would.' He tightened his grip on the other, determined not to let go until he had to. He only barely heard Masky mumbling into his hoodie.

"You're okay," the man was mumbling, "thank god, you're okay."

"I didn't think you were one to look towards God," he said with a snicker. Masky didn't reply, all but clinging to him. Hoodie frowned, a sad look entering his eyes. The other man never acted like this. He was the strong one, the one who never showed weakness. Yet here he was, clinging to Hoodie and nearly shaking. He gently stroked the man's back before remembering something. "I uh...I have your mask. I figured you would want it back." Masky looked up, nodding, and Hoodie felt something inside him snap. He leaned forward, shoving his mask out of the way and pressing his lips against the one in front of him. Masky gasped, shuddering while a deep blush covered his face. He knew the smaller man didn't like this kind of affection in public, but Hoodie couldn't care less. Masky was his, and he refused to not reclaim that after believing he'd lost him.

"God damn it you two!" Came a sudden shout. Hoodie looked up, pulling his mask back down over his mouth. Masky flushed deeper, grabbing his mask and fitting it over his head again. Toby was staring at the two, brow furrowed. "Do you two mind d-doing this kind of thing when others aren't around."

"Do you have a problem Toby?" The hooded proxy asked, looping one arm around Masky's waist. Toby sighed and turned away.

"Let's go you two," he said before, quieter, "then you two can find a fucking r-room." Masky shifted, pressing closer to Hoodie's side. Hoodie only smirked under his mask at Toby's words. They were much too close to what he intended when they returned home. The hooded proxy went to follow but arms caught around his waist. Hoodie looked back, seeing Masky with his masked face pressed into his back. "You two coming or what?" Hoodie looked up, seeing Toby waiting for them.

"Go on ahead," the hooded proxy said, "we'll catch up shortly." Toby shrugged and jogged off, leaving the two boys to their own devices. Once he was gone Hoodie twisted in Masky's grip, looking down at the man. "Hey," he said softly, running his fingers through the brown locks of his partner, "you okay man?" Masky looked up at him and Hoodie gently laid a hand on his face. "So," he said softly, "you were really concerned about me weren't you."

"Shut up," Masky said, looking away. After a moment he spoke again. "Of course I was worried." He leaned against the larger proxy, sighing. "Stop doing such reckless things."

"Can't promise that," he said with a cheeky grin, "after all, I tend to act stupid with you around." Masky gave a small chuckle and pulled back enough to look at him. Hoodie reached up, slipping the mask off his partner's face. Blue eyes stared back at him, almost uncertain. "I'll be more careful next time. I promise." Masky stared at him, a small smile worming its way onto the man's face.

"You better be," the man replied. And suddenly Hoodie was reminded of when they first became proxies. Masky had been first, so by the time Hoodie came along the man had known exactly what to do. He still recalled their first mission together, the two of them crouched in some cave somewhere as Masky tended to his wounds. Even then he'd been telling the other to be more careful.

Hoodie came back to himself just in time to feel Masky's thin fingers against his neck, griping the edge of his mask. Masky looked at him, eyes glowing with question. Hoodie chuckled and reached his hand up to meet the other proxy's, swiftly pulling the mask up until his face was fully uncovered. Hazel eyes met blue, both pairs flooded with emotion that was normally shielded from the world. Masky leaned up, nuzzling against Hoodie's neck. Hoodie smirked, hands resting on the other man's waist. "You're testing me Masky," he said slowly. As if in retaliation, or maybe to encourage him, Masky pressed his lips against Hoodie's neck.

"Ever think that maybe I'm trying to?" The man replied. Hoodie smirked and threaded his fingers through Masky's brown hair and pulling his head back. Blue eyes glittered mischievously at him.

'He's doing this on purpose,' Hoodie thought with a smirk. He leaned forward until he was right beside Masky's ear. "Just you wait until we get home," he growled.

"Is that a threat Brian?" The man asked. Hoodie let his eyes narrow deviously. So that's how he wanted to play. He bit down on the juncture between neck and jawline. The strained his that escaped Masky made the hooded proxy smirk.

"That's a damn promise Tim," he growled out. Masky sighed and melted against him. He pulled back, smirking, and took the other man's hand. "C'mon. Let's go."


Ben flicked in and out of existence, half existing in reality and half inside of the computer systems. He searched for Jack, determined to find the silent man. Eventually he caught a glimpse of him, seated on the floor cross legged. He flickered back into reality, breaking into a run. "Jack!" He called, smiling. The response he received wasn't the one he expected. Jack whipped around, suddenly on all fours. His mask was off, blood dripping down his face. He growled lowly, looking like an angered animal. Ben paused, looking to the body behind him. It had been ripped open, what few organs left gleaming. Ben stepped back, leaving the male in peace. Jack huffed and returned to his meal, wet sounds filling the air.

Ben waited patiently, not trying to approach the other. He knew how Jack could get when he ate like this. It was the reason the eyeless male never ate with them. The longer Jack went without consuming his meals, the more animalistic his feeding would be. Seeing him like this, Ben knew he hadn't eaten since he'd been captured. He sat quietly, watching on with sad eyes.

Eventually Jack finished his meal, retrieving his bloodied mask from where he'd dropped it. He fixed it over his head, yanking his hood over the mess of brown hair. Ben watched him in silence, waiting until the male turned around to face him. Jack's hands were in his pockets, and the teen froze when he saw Ben sitting there. Ben kept his gaze on that blue mask until Jack looked away. Ben stood, walking over to him.

"I'm glad you're alright," he murmured, standing before the elder. He wasn't sure how to react. He wanted to cling to Jack and never let go, but he didn't think the cannibal would appreciate that. So he just stood there, looking down at the floor. "Sorry I watched you eat. I just...I couldn't simply leave once I actually found you." He would have continued but Jack pulled him forward, arms wrapped around him. Ben jolted, shocked, before he simply let himself go. It was Jack. The cannibal wouldn't judge him. He curled his fingers into Jack's hoodie, burying his face into the elder's chest. Jack simply held him, not moving a muscle. "I'm sorry," Ben murmured, throat hoarse, "I left you behind. I didn't want to but..." He trailed off as Jack lifted his head and pressed their foreheads together. He knew Jack's silent language, and right now the elder was saying 'it's okay. Don't worry about it'.

After a while they parted, and Jack took Ben's hand in his own. Without another sound from Either of them, Jack dragged Ben towards the building entrance. They left the bloody carnage behind them, both smiling softly.

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