Chapter Eleven: Rememberence

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It was late at night when Slender felt the presence in his forest. He exited his cabin, teleporting himself to the place where his forest had been breached. There was no sign of the person who'd entered. There were, however, signs of a search. Someone else breached his territory, a flashlight sweeping over the trees.

"See you guys," the human male was saying, "There's nothing here. So don't worry about sha-" He cut off as his gaze landed on Slenderman. The Creepypasta let his tentacles slide free, waving menacingly behind him. The man stepped back, looking horrified for a moment before Slenderman silenced him. The flashlight fell to the ground with the limp body, both dead. He backed away from the corpse, turning his attention tot the original intruder. There was no sign of him.

'Seems like it'll be a long night,' he thought as he began his search. Halfway through his search it began to pour, rain soaking him through. Yet he didn't mind. The rain meant nothing to him.

He found the intruder deep in the woods, seated under an old tree. He had his knees pulled up towards his chest, lowered head covered by a hood. As Slenderman approached he took in the teen's appearance, spattered with blood and with a knife loosely in his grip. His body was lightly shaking, the water having soaked thought his blood stained hoodie.

The boy suddenly stood, fingers clenched around the blade in his hand. "Whoever's watching me," he shouted, "come out! I fucking know you're there!" Slenderman cocked his head, curious that the teen sensed his presence. "Stop hiding and face me!"

"If you wish." The teen whipped around, settling his dark gaze on Slenderman. Slenderman had expected some form of fear, maybe shock. Yet he found himself to be the one shocked. The boy's face looked like it had been mangled. His skin was pure white, black hair a stark contrast. His eyelids had been burned away, skin rimming his eyes the color of charcoal. His eyes, like many other parts of him, were black as well. Then Slenderman saw his smile. The boy was scowling, looking as angered as he could without being able to glare. Yet his face had been sliced open, carved into a never ending smile. He watched the teen, shocked.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" The boy snarled, knife lifted as a threat.

"You look as though someone scarred you." The teen jerked back, eyes somehow widening further. Slenderman imagined the boy without these wounds and found him beautiful. 'Who would dare to mar such a piece of perfection like this?' Slenderman stepped closer. "That blood on you...I assume it's either the blood of the person who hurt you, or your own." The teen snarled, slashing at him. He stepped back.

"No one did anything to me," the boy growled, "I chose to look like this."

"And the blood?" The teen looked down at his stained hoodie, lost in thought for a moment.

"My family's," he said lowly. Slenderman looked to the bloodied knife.

'So...he's not innocent,' he thought, 'not at all. Not if he can do something like that. Perhaps...he could be a new proxy?' He stepped forward again, letting his tentacles slip free. The teen didn't seem to notice until he'd been grabbed and lifted into the air. He swore and struggled to the point where the elder male nearly dropped him. The knife sank into his flesh before he wrenched it away from the teen, black blood dripping onto the grass. 

"Let go of me you freak!" The boy yelled, clearly angry, "Put me down!" Slenderman ignored him, teleporting back to his cabin. Once there he made his way into the living room before dropping the teen onto the floor. He placed the knife on a nearby table, only touching the boy when he lunged. He quickly shoved him back, knocking him to the floor once again. The teen radiated homicidal anger, black eyes burning. "Why did you bring me here?" he hissed.

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