Chapter Sixteen: Unmask Me

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*WARNING: For those of you who didn't read the author's note, there will be a LEMON. Don't like? Do not continue reading and just skip to the next chap. Please don't hate. Thank you, and be on your way.*

Hoodie locked the door as soon as he returned to his shared room. Masky looked up, still dressed in the outfit he always wore. Signature jacket and jeans, mask over his face. He was lying on his stomach, book in hand. Hoodie smirked and went to flop down beside him. Masky eyed him for a moment and then returned to his book. Hoodie laid still for a moment before slinging an arm over Masky's waist. The man barely responded, but he did shift closer to the hooded proxy. Hoodie shifted to lean his chin onto Masky's shoulder, letting his hand trail down the man's waist. Masky sighed, jumping when Hoodie's hand landed on his ass. "You're being distracting," the masked proxy muttered, rolling onto his side with his back to Hoodie. Hoodie only changed his grip, fingers digging into Masky's hip and body flush against the other man. "I'm trying to read Bryan."

"Screw that," Hoodie stated, plucking the book from Masky's fingers and tossing it aside.

"Hey," Masky pouted, likely glaring at him, "please refrain from throwing my books."

"It was in the way," Hoodie replied. He reached up a hand, running his fingers through Masky's hair. The man sighed and leaned into the touch, a cat like purr arising in his throat. "Besides, you seem to enjoy this more than that book anyway." Masky hummed, reaching out to link his fingers with Hoodie's free hand. "Besides, I did say wait until we get home." He leaned closer, breathing into Masky's slightly red ear. "And look, we're home." The masked proxy looked back at him, and Hoodie suddenly didn't want that mask in the way. He grabbed it and yanked it off, chucking it onto the floor where it landed with a loud clack. Masky was blushing, and the proxy turned his face away. "Don't hide from me Tim."

"You're being a pain," the man mumbled. Hoodie chuckled, pulling off his own mask and tossing it away. Masky glanced back but otherwise did nothing. Hoodie smirked, letting the hand on Masky's hip trail inward.

"I'm not doing a damn thing," he commented. Masky stayed silent, only squirming when Hoodie's fingers got dangerously close to his crotch. "Just lighten up Tim." Masky paused before looking back at him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked. Hoodie paused in what he was doing, meeting that blue gaze.

"Course you can," he replied.

"How come you always use my real name in situations like this?" Hoodie blinked, staring at him. Masky looked away. "Any other time you see me as the proxy, but in these don't."

"That's because while you are the proxy Masky," Hoodie replied, "behind closed doors I can't help but remember you as a person. You're Tim. Always have been, always will be. Same as how I'm Brian. Other people don't see us as our 'human' selves anymore, but you're still the guy I met all that time ago. On our own, doing these kinds of things, I don't want you hiding who you actually are." Masky smiled.

"I get it," he said, "I just wanted to make sure." Hoodie smirked, pressing his fingers against Masky's crotch. The proxy shuddered, face flushing. Hoodie nipped at Masky's neck, feeling the man tremble against him already.

"Enough about our identity crises," the hooded proxy said, "I believe we were in the middle of something Tim." Hoodie forcefully sat up, Masky in his grip, and turned the man around so that he was seated in Hoodie's lap, long legs wrapped around his waist. Masky shifted, glaring at him.

"Why must you do things like this," Masky mumbled. Hoodie grinned.

"Cause," he said, "it's cute to see you blush." The man blushed harder, burying his face in Hoodie's jacket. The proxy refused to have that and grabbed onto Masky's hair, pulling his head back. He leaned forward and sank his teeth into Masky's neck. "Now then. Let's move on shall we?" Masky stared at him for a moment before the pair locked lips.

Hoodie started in on the other proxy's clothes immediately, stripping his jacket and pulling back to tug his shirt free. His teeth once more found Masky's neck, biting roughly. The other proxy gave a soft moan, arms wrapping around Hoodie's neck. "You aren't fair," Masky said softly, and Hoodie pulled back.

"How so?" he asked. Masky yanked at his hoodie and he smirked. "Oh that. It's my signature you know?" Masky gave a soft chuckle.

"Well my signature is currently on the floor. So take it off." The other male leaned back, shedding it and his shirt before the two articles joined the rest of the clothes on their floor.

"Happy now?" he asked, nuzzling into the pale chest before him.

"Yes," came the simple reply. Hoodie shoved the man onto his back, settling over him as he leaned down to nip at his collarbones.

"Good," he said, fingers finding one of the other proxy's nipples. Masky hissed, shifting slightly. Hoodie only moved his mouth down, teasing the other proxy. It wouldn't last long, and soon Masky was urging him elsewhere. He moved down, dragging the man's jeans down and out of the way. Masky shuddered, breathing a bit heavier than usual. 'He's so easy to read,' the proxy mused. Once Masky was naked beneath him he smirked, holding the proxy's member in his grip. "The usual?" he asked, knowing all too well how Masky enjoyed himself. But this time it was different. Masky sat up, shaking his head. Hoodie paused, pulling back. "What's up?" Masky hugged him, shaking lightly.

"Remember what we spoke about a while back?" The man asked, "I turned you away but after what happened..."

"Don't rush yourself," the hooded proxy said. Masky shook his head.

"I know my own limits," the man said, "and I want to. I want to do this with you Brian." The hooded proxy nodded, pulling back and standing.

"All right," he said, secretly happy, "just let me grab something." He stood, moving over to the dresser. He grabbed a bottle of lube from his drawer before turning back to Masky. The male was waiting expectantly. He grinned and hurried over, pressing the other man to the bed. "You ready?" he asked, slicking up his fingers. Masky nodded, shifting as he spread his legs further. Hoodie set the bottle aside, lifting his partner's hips with his clean hand. 

The first finger went in easily, not that Hoodie was surprised. They'd fooled around before, and he knew what Masky could handle. Yet they'd never gone to the extent of having sex. He pushed his finger in further, watching as the other man shifted but didn't seem uncomfortable. He waited for a few moments before pushing another finger in. Masky winced but didn't voice any discomfort. Instead he simply grabbed at Hoodie's shoulders, pulling the man closer.

When Hoodie felt he'd stretched the other man as much as he could, he pulled back. His silent lover was flushed, trembling slightly. Blue eyes caught his gaze and he smiled, bending down to kiss the man. "Ready?" Masky nodded and, in a small movement, Hoodie began to push inside his lover.

"Fuck!" Masky hissed out, nails digging into Hoodie's back. Hoodie winced but continued to push forward until he'd sank in completely. Masky's head dropped back, a sigh escaping his lips. Hoodie waited patiently as the other adjusted. "You can move," he said eventually. Hoodie nodded, pulling out and thrusting back in.

The first few thrusts were slow and a bit sloppy, but after a while they fell in sync again. Eventually Hoodie had turned his lover into a squirming mess below him. Yet the man was stubbornly silent, barely releasing a sigh or muffled moan. Hoodie picked up his pace, pressing a bruising kiss to the other man's lips. Masky squirmed, releasing a gasp as he came close to completion. "C'mon Tim," Hoodie said, nipping at Masky's neck, "moan for me." The man turned away, blushing so red that it was nearly amusing.

"S-shit," the man mumbled, hanging onto his lover tightly, "I'm...I'm close Brian. Fuck..."

"Go ahead," Hoodie said, "just let go." Hoodie shifted his hips and slammed into Masky's prostate. The man seized, crying out as he toppled over the edge. Hoodie grinned before following with a low moan of the man's human name. They laid in silence for a moment before Hoodie pulled out. "We should get you cleaned up," Hoodie said once Masky had calmed. The man nodded.

"I don't think I can move though," Masky said. Hoodie chuckled, snagging Masky's mask from the floor and tossing it to him while Hoodie pulled on his pants and mask.

"I'll be right back," he said, "I'll go get the water running okay?" Masky nodded. "See you in a bit." With that he turned and headed for the bathroom, grinning to himself. 'To think,' he chuckled inwardly, 'It took getting captured to finally do that with him. Hopefully it doesn't take a capture to do it again.'

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