Chapter Seven: Betrayal of the Heart

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Slender was busy at work making breakfast when the footsteps entered. He looked back, spotting Hoodie and Masky, hand in hand, and Ben. He spent the next ten minutes talking to Hoodie and trying to keep Ben out of the food as usual. Normality for them. Then he heard footsteps again. He turned, ready to greet the two he was expecting, only finding one. Jack trotted into the room alone, plunking himself down in the seat beside Ben.

Slender turned back to the food, a frown hidden from the rest of the room. 'So, Jeff bailed after all. Jack likely isn't too happy about that.' He was lost in his thoughts until he felt someone nudge his side. He looked down, seeing Masky by him. The boy was silent for a moment before uttering a few words.

"Jeff's on the roof." He looked down at the boy before nodding. Masky turned and went back to his seat beside Hoodie, settling even as Hoodie and Ben started bickering again. He hurriedly finished the food, laying it down on the table and sitting in his seat. The boys dug in as he expected. All except for Ben. He stared across the table at him, face devoid of emotion. He held his gaze, waiting for the boy to speak words he was clearly thinking over. Eventually he noticed something burning in Ben's eyes, some emotion that he couldn't read.

"So," he said at last, "you managed to bring that bastard back here after all." All movement ceased. Jack and Masky eyed Ben with unseen expressions while Hoodie's glowing eyes were wide. Ben looked entirely unbothered by the attention. Instead he continued to watch Slenderman, red pupils glowing darkly.

"Ben, if you have a problem with the way things turned out then your welcome to explain," he replied quietly, "but remember that you were the only one in this group who decided it was better to leave a friend behind in hell."

"Friend!" Ben rose, slamming a hand on the table so hard that it shook. His eyes were burning so hot that Slender wondered if he'd suddenly burst into flames. Instead Ben leaned closer, gritting his teeth. "That bastard is no friend. If anything, he's nothing more than a monster."

"He's no worse than you Ben," he said, standing as well.

"Bull," Ben hissed, "all he is is a bloodthirsty child with anger issues."

"What exactly are you trying to say Ben," Slender asked, "As I recall you were just like that yourself when you first arrived here. If you don't like someone then that's your problem, but I will not be told how to run my house."

"You don't get it do you," Ben ground out.

"Get what?" His anger diffused and was replaced by confusion. 'He's never had an issue with Jeff before. Why now?'  Ben was nearly vibrating with barely contained rage. His red pupils had shrank so small that they were nearly swallowed by the black voids around them.

"Maybe if you weren't so lost in your favoritism you'd realize that he causes nothing but problems everywhere he goes," Ben said. Before Slender could reply the boy whirled around and stalked away. Slender watched him go.

'Favoritism?' he wondered as he sat down again, 'Is he somehow aware of my feelings toward Jeff? No...that can't be possible. Then what did he mean?' The three boys with him gradually resumed their meal. He, on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about what Ben had said moments ago.


Jeff sat on the roof in silence, twirling his knife in his hand. 'Well...I ended up staying. Yet...I'm not quite ready to act like everything is normal.' He sighed, closing his eyes and feeling the wind blow over him. 'They should never have come. I would have been fine on my own. After all, I was on my way out anyway.' He sighed, ceasing his movement with his fingers. The forest was quiet. Peaceful.

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