Chapter Eighteen: My Little Killer

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"It's been nearly a week," Masky stated as he watched Slender carefully, "I think it's safe to assume he's not recovering from this on his own."

"I am aware," Slender replied, not looking in his proxy's direction. 'If he won't recover on his own then there's only one to help him. However...that may be pushing a bit far.' He sighed, rubbing at his forehead.

"Why was it he was affected when me, Toby, and Hoodie weren't? We're human Creepypasta as well or well...close enough."

"You were converted to my proxies, therefore my immunity to my brother's ability likely carried on to you," Slenderman said, " concerns me that he's taken so long to wake."

"L.J. said something about Jeff being awake earlier," Masky commented, cocking his head, "so he might be up now. Speaking of L.J, he and Sally joined Ben and Jack to hunt. They won't be back until late and I was just about to take Toby and Hoodie out with me." Slender nodded, thoughtful, and turned away fully. The proxy trotted off, sensing that he was dismissed even without the elder saying a word. Slender stood stock still for a moment.

'So...Jeff's awake. Perhaps there's another way to help him then.' With a nod, he teleported away to Jeff's room, standing outside the door. No sound came from within the killer's room. 'Perhaps he's still sleeping. Maybe I should leave for now.' A pained groan sounded, and the being knew he couldn't leave the killer like this much longer. 'Better head in I suppose.' He opened the door, partially startled when Jeff's knife slammed into the wood by his head.

"I swear to fuck L.J.," the killer hissed from the bed, "if you pull your perverted clown shit on me again I'll castrate you."

"L.J.? Has he been a problem lately?" Jeff peered over his shoulder, clearly not entirely there. His face was flushed heavily, his eyes almost glazed over.

"Slendy?" The killer questioned. Slender nodded, approaching the teen. "Ugh. Thank fuck. Ah...sorry about the knife."

"It's quite alright," the elder replied, sitting on his bed. Jeff rolled over, looking up at him with a nearly pained expression. "I had hoped that you'd recover on your own. That doesn't seem to be the case." Jeff shuddered, groaning loudly.

"You think?" He asked, tone sarcastic, "did you come in here just to state the damn obvious?"

"No," Slender said, "I think I know how you can fix this. Or at the very least lessen its hold until you recover." Jeff sat up a bit, staring at him with wide eyes.

"What's that?"

'Here goes nothing,' the being thought. "You'll need to work the...drug I suppose...from your body."

"I tried that already," Jeff groaned, flopping back onto the bed, "kind of a first reaction when you're horny as hell."

"You can't do it yourself," Slender said slowly. Jeff was silent for a moment before he spoke, voice soft and muffled by the pillow.

"What?" he asked. Slender sighed.

"From what I've seen, Offenderman's abilities are meant to make his victims completely powerless. I suppose it isn't hard to connect that it'd make it impossible to work it out on your own."

"What. Am I supposed to get fucked or something?" Slender shook his head at Jeff's vulgar language.

"That's certainly one way," he said, "though it should be enough if someone simply gets you off." Jeff released a dry, nearly angered laugh.

"And how do you expect me to do that?" Jeff asked, leaning up enough for his voice to remain unobstructed by the pillow.

"Surely you have someone in mind who could help you?" He asked. The idea of someone else touching Jeff disturbed him. However, he wanted the teen to be comfortable. His statement didn't seem to comfort the teen. He slumped down into the bed, voice muffled once more.

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