Chapter Six: Wonder

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"So what'd you want to talk about?" Slender looked at the young killer across from him. Jeff seemed more content now, back in a white hoodie and black jeans. His knife was being twirled between his fingers while dark eyes stared at him.

"Why did you decide to leave Jeff?" He asked. Jeff snorted in reply.

"What the hell?" He questioned, "that's none of your damn business. I can leave when I want."

"I'm aware but Jeff, you've never thought to leave before. Why choose to take off in the middle of the night now?" He rolled his eyes.

"Look," he said, "worry about someone else. I'm sick of that pity you try throwing my way." He stood, pointing the tip of his knife at Slender flippantly. "That's why I left in the first place all right."

"If I stop giving you 'pity' will you stay?" Jeff paused, clearly confused by the statement. Dark eyes locked onto his face.

"Why would you even want me to?" Before his mind could react to the question his body went into overdrive. Slender leaned forward, grabbing the young killer by the collar and hauling him closer. Jeff went still as the elder wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly. His knife was clenched tightly in his fist, but the teen never moved to use it. When his mind caught up with the rest of him he let go and sat back. Jeff stood up, whipping around and stalking towards the door.

"If you're going to stay then I'll see you in the morning," Slender said, "if not then...goodbye Jeff." The teen gave no reply, rounding the doorframe and slipping out of sight. Slender sighed, dropping his head into his hands. 'I can't talk to this boy,' he thought, 'no matter what I do it sounds like I'm patronizing him.' He sighed, stood, and retreated to his room with the hop that Jeff would still be there in the morning.



Jeff stared at the space just above his bed where he'd thrown his knife. 'No!' He told himself, 'my old bed. He can't expect me to actually stay here. No, I'll leave tonight.' Resolved in his actions he went to retrieve his knife. He'd done a number on the wall on this time, his knife sunk into the wood all the way to the handle. He gripped it, recalling the tone in Slenderman's voice. 'He sounded worried...oh who cares. I'm sick of his pity.'

He wrenched his knife free and stormed to to the bathroom. He stood before the mirror that hung above the sink, watching his reflection. 'In all honesty, the eyelids aren't so bad,' he mused. And it was true. He could actually rest now, and after years without it...he was content. 'However...'

He lifted the blade, pressing the tip against the corner of his mouth. Blood beaded at the spot before trickling down to his chin. Yet he hesitated. It would be so simple to return himself to normal, to erase the changes that had been made to him. Yet some part of him didn't want to. 'Damn it,' he silently swore, 'why did I have to be treated like a normal human being for once. And Slendy...why'd he sound so desperate.'

He pulled the knife away from his face, feeling anger spike through him. He swung, smashing his empty hand against the mirror. It cracked, and he saw blood drip through the cracks in little rivulets of crimson. Shards of glass clattered into the sink, glittering lightly in the bathroom light. His other hand clenched around his knife and, with one last glance at his fragmented reflection, he exited back into his room.

Suddenly he felt exhausted, so he laid his knife on the bedside table and flopped onto the bed. His eyes slipped closed and he simply laid there, marveling the fact that he could actually do so.

He wasn't sure how long he laid there until he suddenly felt fingers on his face. He reacted immediately, snatching up his blade and holding it before him. When his eyes adjusted he relaxed, lowering the weapon. "Jeez. What the hell are you doing Jack?" The masked boy cocked his head to one side, blank eye sockets eying him. Jeff set his knife down with a loud thump and sat up a bit. "what're you doing in here anyway?"

Jack didn't answer him. He shifted his weight, leaning forward. Jeff shifted away, glaring at the boy seated atop him. Jack reached out a hand, brushing his fingertips along Jeff's jaw before moving up to his cheeks. Jeff, seeing the boy's curiosity, let him be. Eventually Jack seemed satisfied in his observation, hopping off the bed. Jeff barely restrained a laugh at the boy's actions.

'Silly Jack,' he mused, 'he's like a little brother...except he understands me.' He internally sighed before Jack grabbed his hand and pulled. Jeff was yanked up forcefully, dragged behind a very determined Jack it seemed. Jack might have been small, but forgetting about the teen's hidden strength was my something that most would recommend.

He was pulled along as they went down the hallway, silent as a pair of shadows. Jack led him into his room, shutting the door and dragging him over. Jack then released him, jumping into bed and looking back at him pointedly. Jeff chuckled, walking over. 'Fine. I'll humor you Jack. Just for tonight.' He clambered into bed, lying down and giving a small smile when Jack curled closer. 'This is so...normal. It reminds me of me and Liu when we were little.' His eyes drifted to be nearly closed. 'No...Its different. Jack and the other Creepypasta...they understand the desire to kill. Liu never would have understood.' He drifted off, hoping that he'd be free from horrid dreams for once.


'Time to get up.' Slender finally pulled his weary body to its feet, too dazed to even bother teleporting. 'Likely I would end up somewhere else entirely.' He walked quietly down the hall towards his room. He only stopped when he noticed Jeff's door half open. 'He always keeps it closed. Why leave it open?'

Curious, he pushed the door open, peering inside. An empty room greeted him. He stepped into the room, noticing that Jeff was nowhere in sight. He looked around, seeing Jeff's bag in a chair and his knife on the bedside table. 'He didn't leave then,' he thought in relief, 'but where is he then?'

He went to the bathroom, looking into the open room. He spotted the shattered mirror and blood dripping into the sink. 'Maybe he just went out to cool off.' He turned and exited, steeling himself to go to sleep for now.

He paused by Jack's room, deciding to check on the young teen. 'He's been the most worried about Jeff since he left the first time. Those two are really close.' He opened the door, breathing out a breath he'd been holding in. Jack was sound asleep, curled up like a content cat next to Jeff. 'So he's here. I guess Jack was worried he'd take off too.'

He stepped into the room, silent save for the two boys breathing deeply. He approached their sleeping forms, looking down at them. Jack's features were, of course, unable to be seen. Jeff, on the other hand, looked strangely serene. He'd never seen the teen when he'd been sleeping, but in that moment he looked harmless and innocent. Everything Jeff certainly wasn't. It made him wonder if he'd changed mentally as well as physically.

He turned away and started to leave. As he did Jeff mumbled something in his sleep and he glanced back. The boy's brow had furrowed and he looked troubled. Then he relaxed and the look was gone. Slender shook his head and exited, silently shutting the door behind him.

Forever Alone (Book 1 of the Misguided Killer Series)Where stories live. Discover now