Chapter Eight: Open Yourself to Me

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Jeff opened his eyes groggily, unsure where he was. Instead of old stone walls he was met with warm colored wood. He frowned, reaching out to brush his fingers over it. 'What the hell? Where the hell am I and how did I get here?' It took him a moment to place the walls as those from Slender's cabin and he frowned. 'How the hell did I get here? More importantly...why am I half naked?'

He tried to sit up and was stopped by a weight wrapped firmly around his waist. He huffed and squirmed, wondering if Jack had cuddled up to him in his sleep again. The deep, unamused groan that sounded told him otherwise. 'That is certainly not Jack.' He looked over his shoulder, staring into a blank face. 'Holy shit! Why am I in bed with Slendy? What the fuck is he trying to pull here?' He squirmed, trying to loosen the vice grip around his waist. "Why are you so damn strong when you're asleep."

"Maybe because I'm not asleep any longer." Jeff froze, fingers tightening on Slender's arm. How long had the elder been awake for?

'And why isn't he moving now that he is?' He wondered with a frown. Oh the expressions he could make now. "How did I get here?"

"When you didn't come back and it started raining I went to look for you. Since you had already fallen asleep I simply teleported us back."

"And I'm in your bed because...?" Slender let loose a deep chuckle before his voice sounded, low and right beside his ear.

"Because I had to ensure you wouldn't go running off again Jeff." He went still, staring at a knot in the wood. Was Slender being serious? A soft sigh echoed in his ear and he barely suppressed a shudder. "Can't you open up to me Jeff? I know you have emotions locked away in that mind of yours."

'He's too perceptive,' Jeff thought bitterly. He squirmed, trying to slip free somehow. "Let go of me." The grip only tightened.

"No Jeff," he said, "not until you let me know what's going on in your head."

"I'm pissed at you because you won't let me go," he hissed, hoping he'd get the hint. Slender didn't react. His grip didn't loosen. Jeff sighed, relaxing against the bed. He was grateful that he wasn't facing the elder Creepypasta. "I've been having dreams. Unpleasant ones."

"Your having nightmares?" Slender sounded half amused at the idea. He felt his face flush a bit and scowled.

'This is a very bad idea,' he thought, squirming again. "Let go of me."

"Jeff," his voice was soft, apologetic, "I'm sorry. The idea is almost preposterous. What were the dreams about?"

'Do I tell him?' He thought about his options, determined to say nothing until Slender released him. Yet something in the man's warmth calmed his irritation. At least that's what he told himself. "They were about my brother," he said eventually, "and that instead of killing him...he shot me in the head."

"You don't speak of your brother much," Slender commented, "but he doesn't seem like he'd do that."

"He should have," Jeff said bitterly, unable to stop himself now that he'd started talking about it. "In my dream he called me a monster right before he shot me. He was right. I actually cared about Liu and yet I stabbed him like it was nothing. I wish he had shot me."

"'re crying?" He blinked, cursing when he discovered that the elder was correct. Tears had started dripping down his cheeks.

'Damn it,' he mentally swore, wiping them away hurriedly, 'I choose now to be weak? The hell is wrong with me today.' Arms tightened around him as Slender sat up, forcefully dragging the teen killer up with him. He chose not to fight against him. 'It won't get me anywhere anyway.'

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