13. 2 Weeks Gone (Sam and Dean x Reader)

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This is from chapter 11, where you went missing for 2 weeks, then died. There is honestly no recap for this..

"It was completely stupid!" Dean yelled at you. Sam was sitting at the table, watching Dean go off enough for the both of them.

"I was saving Sam! What did you want me to do!" You yelled back at Dean. While on a hunt, things got bad. All of you were tied down to chairs, as a demon walked around, and looked at each of you. He was working for Crowley, and was trying to decide he was going to posses. He chose Sam. But, instead you put yourself up for grabs. If it hadn't been for Cas showing up, and scaring him off,  you would probably still be a demon. (If you would like this to be a chapter as well, just let me know!)

"No! You should never do that ever. If Cas hadn't been there, you would probably be dead," Dean continued throwing his hands into the air. You scoffed.

"I would have been fine and you know it!" You said stomping your foot like a 6-year old throwing a tantrum.

"Guys listen, this is enough. Dean, we get it, you're pissed because y/n sacrificed herself for me, trust me I am too. Y/N, What you did was stupid, and irresponsible. Yes, we did get the hunt done, and yes you are fine. But, it was still stupid," Sam said standing up.

"Really? You're taking his side on this?! This is ridiculous! I am fine. I am alive, and so are you. Can I at least get a thank you?!" You screamed. The boys just stood there silently.

"Wow. Okay, I'm done," you finish, and walk out.

You climb the stairs, and exit through the bunker door.

The night was clear, and stars were shining. The impala was parked inside the garage, so you couldn't take it. You bring your phone out from your pocket, and start a text to Charlie, to see if she would pick you up.

"Hello sweetheart," you spin around, and there stood the demon from the hunt. You didn't have your knife, or angel blade on you. You quietly, click off of the text, and onto your contacts. You scroll to the contact "D", and almost hit call when,

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said instantly next to you. You stumbled forward, and dropped your phone. He ran forward, and hit you with something unknown. Everything just went black.

**Time Lapse: 3 Hours**

You wake up, with a raging headache. You try to pull your hand up to your head, but can't. When you open your eyes, everything is spinning. Your hands and feet, are tied to a chair.

"Aww look at the poor little girl struggle," says a very female voice. When you look up, you see Meg.

"Meg? I-I thought you were on our side?" you struggle and pull at the ropes even more.

"No, not when the king of hell threatens my life honey. I just get to take you for a joyride," she said smiling. Black smoke raised from her mouth, and billowed into yours.

After a minute, you open your eyes, and they're black.

"Let's go," you barked to the other demon in the room.

**Time Lapse: 1 Week**

You had killed many demons over the last week. You slept with many men, and drank so much alcohol. Meg knew what she was doing. Torturing you at the request of Crowley. The only thing that kept you from just dying straight out, was the hope that Sam and Dean were looking for you.

Meg had demons hold you under water, to almost drown. She has demons of all kind beat you to a bloody pulp. Knowing your pain, and wounds would stay with you once she left your body.

She slowly walked up to a mirror, and looked at it.

"You won't remember any of this you know.. We'll make sure of it," Meg said, knowing she was speaking to you.

**Time Lapse: 1 Week**

Over the next week, the torture continued. Inside you were closing your eyes, and not watching. 

When suddenly, you stopped. When you internally opened your eyes, you could see the front door of the bunker. Relief flowed through you.

"We'll meet again honey," Meg said. Her black smoke billowed from you mouth and into the air.

You slumped to the ground, feeling all of the pain hit you at once.

Suddenly, something hit you over the head, and everything went black.

When you woke up, you were in bed. Dean and Sam were next you.

"Y/N! Oh thank god!" Dean said running over when he saw you awake. He hugged you hard causing a pain to start in your head.

"Ow!" you say slumping back. Dean looked instantly sorry. Sam was standing at the door trying not to cry.

"Y/N where were you, what happened?" Sam asked, finally walking forward.

You tried to think back to what they meant.

"What do you mean? Wait, why am I in bed? I was just outside," You say looking around your room.

Sam and Dean look at each other. Dread covering their faces.


Okay, that's that. If it isn't clear what happened, feel free to message me, or comment, and I will clear up the confusion.

I hope you all enjoyed this because I know I enjoyed writing it!


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