Whispers in the night...

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(I made a quick pack list for the new pack)
Alpha: whisper, a black male half wolf with a white patch on chest and two white stripes going down his back. (Picture above)

Beta: Bruno, a dark brown wolf with a black muzzle.

Sky: dark grey female wolf.
Littlepaw: small white male with black front paws.
Chase: slim female tan wolf.
Juniper: cream male with black paws.

Patroll wolves:
Ash: very dark grey male wolf.
Dark: black female.
Spark: grey female with darker grey paws and ears.

Cloud: cream female pup.
Sasha: black female with blue eyes.
Chance: black male with dark brown paws and tail tip.
Angel's POV: I ran towards the dead body of my teenage pup Colby's dead body, I saw a flash of blue eyes over a bush and the scurry of paws. Moon stalked slowly to me, tears in her eyes.
"C.. C.. Colby.." Moon collapsed on her paws and layed her head on them. I licked Colby's bloodied fur and suddenly, I felt his side rise and fall very slowly. One eye fluttered open. "M.. M- mom..." Colby rasped, in pain. "Colby!" Me and moon said In unusion. "Mom... The.. Wol- the wolf behind the bush.." Colby coughed out blood and stuttered. "He.. He- did this.." Colby continued. I showed my teeth and peered through the bush infront of us. "Where is Exalibur and miracle?" I questioned. "They... They forgot me here.. The wolf- the wolf, whisper, attacked our territory..." Colby slowly closed one eye and dropped his head, his breathing slowing. "Colby! No!!" Moon cuffed one of his ears and pulled, but Colby didn't move. "Colby.." I sobbed.

We layed there all night, rage and sadness burning in our bodies.

Exalibur's POV: we flew into the clearing, seeing a pup body on the ground and... Angel and moon?!
"Miracle! It's them!" I roared. Miracle's eyes widened and she dive-bombed toward them, I followed her and landed. "Mom!" Moon ran toward miracle and me, wrapped her wings around us and let out a tear of joy. "I missed you!" She yelped. "Well, now you don't have to." I nuzzled her cheek. "Angel!" Miracle ran to angel and licked her ruff. "Miracle.. Exalibur..." Angel said gloomily. She flicked her tail to.. Colby's body?! "Colby!" I yelped. "B.. Before he died he said a wolf named whisper came and attacked him and the territory." Angel growled. "Yes... The pups are safe though." Miracle opened her wings and revealed the pups. The teenage pups jumped out and ran toward their brothers body. "Colby..." Micah leaned his muzzle down and touched his nose to his brothers ragged fur. "This.. This can't be happening!" Sadie closed her eyes and let out a whine of sadness. "We gotta find whisper and rip him to shreds!" Emma snarled. "We will. Whisper said to meet him and his pack, Scarpack, tommorow. At the tallrocks. That is where his territory is." I explained. Angel nodded, a gleam of revenge in her eyes.
We will avenge Colby's death.

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