Jealousy is my worst enemy part 2

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After running into him, it only made me feel worse to leave him there crying in public, again, but he deserves it. Two wrongs don't make a right. But he destroyed my heart, and my ability to trust. It might be a little over dramatic, but I really loved him, and it came as a huge shock to see them kissing. He knew that he was the first person that I let in, and yet I let him demolish the walls that I took forever to build. He was my everything. But of course I get cheated on. I told my self after the last one who cheated on me "I'll give up on guys, fuck it, I don't need boyfriends, guys are assholes". Then Hayes came along and changed my perspective, but that was shortly ruined. Time after time I had my heart continuously broken, I never expected the person i loved and trusted the most to betray me knowing the circumstances. He never hurt me before, but now....I don't know anymore. My heart is nagging to give him another chance, because he was the first guy to make me forget about my past, the guy who made me smile through anything, the guy who made me laugh into tears, the guy who saved me. He saved my heart, and he saved my life. I've made up my mind. I'm forgiving him ,I'm going to go get my man. I quickly put on some clothes, my hair in a messy bun and no makeup. I grabbed my keys and ran through the door and to my car. I sped to his house without getting caught by the police. I quickly ran to his door knocking furiously. The door opened to Nash at the door.
" Y/N what are you doing here?" He asked with confusion written all over his face.
"I'm here for hayes, is he here?"I asked a little too fast.
"No, he's out on his dirt bike, you know he's always there when he's bored or upset." he stated"but he has been a little bit off lately."he said
"Okay thanks, I've got to go." I said turning around.
"Anytime, sis ."he said shouting the door. wait ...."sis" ? He doesn't know we broke up? why would Hayes not tell him? I'll ask him when I get there .
I quickly drove to the sandpit where he rides.
And when I got there ,there were ambulances, I saw Luke sitting next to a body in the back of the ambulance .
Luke saw me and ran to me.
"What happened ?whos in there?"i asked pointing to the ambulance.
"Y/N, there is no easy way to say this."he said looking at his feet. Suddenly it clicked. That was Hayes in the ambulance.
"W-wh-what happened to him?" I questioned with my vision being clouded by tears.
"I don't really know,he was riding ,and when he went up a ramp,he flipped backwards .the doc says he has tears on his eyes and he said that's what probably clouded his vision.he has a broken collar bone and the doctor says it's critical because the bone is close to piercing his heart." he said with tears running down his face, mine was like a waterfall .
"Is he conscious?" I asked .
"Yeah."he whispered.
I ran to the van. I told one of the doctors that he is my boyfriend.
I got in and sat down next to his bed. I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers. He gasped and looked up.
"Doc, did the medicine you gave me have hallucination affects?" He asked.
"No sir."he said
Part 3? Comment.the song for this is is one last time -by Arianna grande

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