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Hey guys I need to tell y'all something.....

I feel horrible saying this.
I was never consistent with updating,I know that,and my writing is bad.
But now it's the second semester and I need to make up my English credit (really fucking ironic) it was because I never did any of my major grade projects I feel so embarrassed telling this.i used to be an A & B student but this year I got lazy and slipped up on one of my core classes.i really need to focus on my grades right now .i can't explain how important this is to me,my family ,and especially my mom expect A 's & B's .she doesn't know I have to make up a credit.i have to take responsibility for my shit so I'm sorry to you guys who liked my terrible shit,because my updates are ,from now on will only be in my down time .i really have to focus and I'm sorry

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