Chapter 11.

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Everything went still. I stared down at the water where she was pulled under and whimpered "I'm so sorry."

I trudged back out of the water cautiously back to Lexi And Jordan.

"Is she gone?" Hopelessly asked Jordan.

"Yeah," I answered, "you guys better go home or I'm afraid the same thing will happen to you." A hot tear ran down my left cheek.

"It's going to happen to us anyway," Lexi realized.

"Yeah," Jordan joined in, "so we might as well finish what we started."

"Thanks," I said while staring at the ground, the guilt bubbling up in my stomach.

"I'd still like to know what that shiny thing in the water is," wondered Lexi.

I had completely forgot about it. I turned to the lake, expecting to see it floating far away from us, but was surprised when I saw that it was washed up on the shore. It was a jar with a silver lid.

Inside, I could see a small piece of paper rolled up inside. I looked up at my friends, "Should I?"

They shrugged.

I built up some courage and popped the lid off the jar, my hand shaking the whole time. I reached in and grabbed it, bracing myself for what it might say. The girls looked over my shoulder as I unrolled it.

"Where others mend, twelve will end," I read aloud. Jordan repeated the sentence to herself, then she had an idea.

"The hospital," she declared, "people 'mend' in the hospital, right?"

"It sounds about right," I replied, "it's worth a try." With that, we jogged three blocks over to the town hospital.

The hospital was old. It's been around since 1907. It looked as if it was ready to crumble any second. I had always wondered why they never built a new one to replace it.

"Is it open?" Asked Jordan.

"I guess not," I replied.

"That's strange, I remember always seeing this old place open on Saturday."

"Well if you haven't noticed, everything about this situation has been strange."

Lexi sighed, "Guys, how on earth are we going to get in this place?"

"It's over one hundred years old, there has to be a hole or unprotected window somewhere," I told them.

We walked around to the side of the old building, searching all the windows. I heard Jordan call to me from three windows down, "Got one!"

I walked over to the open window and Lexi followed. We took turns climbing in.

The room we ended up in was small, probably used for check ups and small injuries. The lights in the room were dull. So dull, I still had to squint my eyes a bit to see correctly.

"So," Lexi broke the silence, "what now?"

"I'm not sure,-" I started to reply when Jordan cut me off.

"Listen, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That tapping sound!"

I froze and listened carefully. I finally heard it.

The noise sounded like tiny feet scurrying across the hard floor.

"Is that a mouse?" Asked Lexi.

Before any of us could reply, something darted down the hallway and shot into the room straight towards us.


Guys i feel horrible I haven't updated in forever.

My wi-fi got turned off and my stepdads family has been at my house.


Anyway, thank you so much for over 800 reads! It means so much.

I wonder if it can get to 1,000. Hmm.(;

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Ily guys!!

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