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"Come on snapchat is fun, I like it better then vine" my best friend Y/bff/n says snapping a picture "that's to much social media I have a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, vine and now a snapchat hell no" I laid on my bed and see the time 11 why is Y/bff/n still here?

"You don't even use you're Facebook, and Vine anymore so get snapchat and I heard fifth harmony has a snapchat" "I knew that already" I mumbled liking a few stuff on my insta dang my page is boring,

"Done" "done?" I look over at him/her, "your snapchat is Y/SC/N like?" I rolled my eyes "log in so you can follow me and I can leave I'm tired"

"I haven't even downloaded the app" he/she groaned I chuckled waiting for the app to be complete

"Okay I'm logged in and I accept your follow and followed back happy" he/she smiled nodded "very, now I have to leave bye bitch!" He/she ran out my room before hitting me with my own pillow "idiot" I chuckled and looked at the app I guess I'll use it a little to see what's it all about

About maybe 5 minutes I got the concept of the app and i added the fifth harmony account and Dinah's, Normani's and Ally's snapchat because why not I am a huge fan of theirs and its late at night what else am I going to do

I looked at Y/bff/n snaps they were mostly selfies of us or the food we ate typical and I see the fifth harmony account post stuff so I clicked it and started watching

"Hey guys so we just finish the show and I'm hungry and tired the crowed was amazing" "whoo" it was Dinah Snapchatting and Camila jumped in at the end why does these girls have to be so cute

"Food!! Food" Dinah started singing showing all the food they had and she put the camera up and Lauren comes out smiling "food!" She yelled and laughed and it got cut off to a selfie of Normani and Ally eating, they are adorable even when they eat

Their was more selfies of all the girls and I guess I'll take a shot at it and snapchat Dinah maybe she sees it

I sat up and fixed my hair in a messy bun cause i don't need my queens seeing me like medusa now do we,

"Ello, I just wanna say hi to Dinah I guess cause shes the one on snapchat cause it's almost her selfies and damn my time well I hope you have a wonderful night" I smiled in time and I watch it to make sure I don't look awful and it got everything, well I guess I won't put a filter I look decent enough fuck it send

I place my phone down and I guess I'll go to bed it's getting late, I get out of bed and changed

~Next Morning~
I woke up at the sound of my alarm going off fuck I forgot work, I groan turning the annoying shit off and grab my phone let's see what I have nothing I bet

I see I have three notifications on snapchat I bet it's Y/bff/n to annoy me that I used the app, but it wasn't I felt my whole body freeze and my sleep was long gone I was wide awake now,

Fucking fifth harmony added me and snapchat me, not ones but twice, should I accept the request first? Or see the snaps? I'll accept the request first I quickly did that and let's see the snapchat

"Errr wrong" fuck it's Lauren "it's not Dinah it's me, you got stuck with me beautiful and hello" she giggled and the snap ended, did-did she just call me beautiful? Fuck my wife called me beautiful, okay let's see what she send next

"It's me again and I had a wonderful night I hope you did too" it looks like she's in her bunk "I decided to snap you again to tell you we all slept well, no my time, Snap me back!" She yelled and the time ended I couldn't stop smiling she snapped me to tell me she had a wonderful night I didn't think the girls would see it oh my god should I snap her now? It will say I saw them, I mean it looked like she was in her bunk and her voice was husker then usual

But I bet I look gross..uhh fuck it "hi there, and I'm glad to hear you all slept well, and sorry for this..this disgust...." I decided a face just to make this snap fun and maybe I get a cute giggle in hers again "I just woke up and about to get readyForWork" the time ended and I watched it to see if my ending made it and it did even a my smile awesome I send it and got out of bed

Can this day get any better

A/n: hi lovely readers a new book yay! Well this is a start..should I continue? Or nah

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