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Your pov,
"Chill, chill, chill I give" Y/bff smirked turning back to the couch "why are you so abusive today" I asked letting go of my private part "I don't know I just like seeing you get embarrassed in front of Lauren" I sighed sitting beside him "can you stop please" he put his hand on his chin like he was thinking "hmmm let me see....no" he punched me between my legs not hard but still that hurt 

"What the fuck" I swing my fist punching him in the balls too he groan falling off the couch "I didn't punch you....that hard" he took a deep breath I was going to speak up but the girls came in the room

"What happen to him?" Camila asked pointing at Y/bff "and you" Normani added I looked at Y/bff then back to the girls "I'm fine" I say moving my hands on either side of the couch "I uh punched Y/bff that's all he will be fine" "maybe, you hit me in the balls" Y/bff groan I kicked his ass and he kicked me back "ow!" I kicked again and we did that back and forth

"Stop!" We stop and turn to the girls "you two act like 5 year olds" Dinah says giggling "do you two always fight this much" Ally asked "yeah" Y/bff answered sitting up "wow" the girls say laughing

"Normani your up for make up first" Dinah says pulling her away "I'll go do my hair come with Ally" Camila says grabbing Ally's hand "sure" Lauren turned to us and smiled "well I'm going to go find some ice see ya" Y/bff got up and ran out

Well it's only Lauren and I, we haven't been in a room alone all day so this is kinda nerve-racking "sit with me" I asked, that's a start right she happily sat beside me flashing me her gorgeous smile "so um..uh what do you do before getting ready for show" she turned her body to face me and I did the same

"Well I usually have a nap because i really don't do much, I don't do my hair I just leave it natural and my make-up isn't so long either I let the other girls go before me" I nodded listening to her closely I just love listening to her talk

I must of been staring because she cupped my cheeks giggling "your staring" I chuckled looking down to hide my blush "uh so if you take a nap before make up I guess I'll let you sleep" I say grabbing a hold of her hands "no, it's okay I rather talk to you" she smiled playing with my fingers I smiled admiring her beauty

I still can't believe I'm here in front of Lauren, not a 10 second video of her I'm seeing the real thing

"Are you okay?" I get out of my thoughts at the sound of her voice I giggled nodding "yeah sorry I just got distracted by your beauty" she bit her bottom lip smiling looking down to hide her blush

"Thank you" I nodded looking down at our intertwined hands, our hands fit perfectly together she has real soft hands that isn't weird to think they are, don't judge me

"Are you excited to perform soon" I asked looking back to her beautiful emerald eyes "i always am, but I'm extra excited today" she says happily her eyes brighten even more if possible "are you excited to watch us perform?" I nodded moving a little closer to her "yeah I'm excited to see the new moves, I saw you guys when you were opening acts for Austin, I just saw you girls and Shawn Mendes and left" she laughed almost falling off the couch I held her up laughing along

"Really, why buy tickets?" I chuckled "because I wanted to see you girls duh" she giggled sitting back up "you're cute" I felt my cheeks heat up all over again, I leaned back on the couch pulling the little pillow over my face

I felt my whole body freeze I slowly took the pillow off my face and see Lauren smiling at me laying in between my legs and her hands behind my neck "can we cuddle you look really cuddly right now" clean thoughts Y/n don't get a fucking boner "sure" Fuck really my voice went high pitch I cleared my throat and say again "sure yeah sure" she giggled sitting up and pulling me with her

After 10 minutes of cuddling Lauren had fallen asleep on top of me she looked so cute asleep I smoothed her hair gently while she slept, I just kept admiring her figure she's beautiful in every way, I placed my hand on her lower back tracing little circles on her bare skin, there was a light knock and the door opened and Dinah walks in "did she just fall asleep" she whispers I nodded

"Should I wake her?" Dinah shook her head "no, it's fine it's just her time for make-up I guess I'll tell Camila to go" I nodded "you good having her on top of you? You could always throw her off you" I chuckled nodding "yeah she's cuddly" I wrapped my arms around Lauren kissing her head

"You need to stop being so damn cute" I smiled "alright I'll come back when Camila's done" I nodded and Dinah walked back out

I guess I'll take a mini nap also, I kissed her head once more closing my eyes and letting sleep take over

Lauren's pov
"Lauren" I woke up to the sound of Camila's and Ally's voice I groan burying my face in someone's neck I pulled away slightly seeing a sleeping Y/n I pouted at how cute she looked I hear gigging I turned and see all the girls and Y/bff

"Had a good nap?" Normani asked smirking I rolled my eyes laying my head back down on her shoulder "yes, what do you guys want" I mumbled wrapping my arm tighter around her "it's your time for make-up" I sighed burying my face back in Y/n's neck

"Come on Lauren if you don't go to make up we're going to be late on stage" ugh their right "fine" I mumbled against her neck placing a small kiss and sat up, she shift in her sleep I got off her and she turned her back to us "she must be real tired" Dinah says looking over to Y/bff "yeah she couldn't sleep last night she's usually a light sleeper" I placed a kiss on her head and turned back to the girls "okay come on" we were about to walk out but Y/bff had a smirk on his face and grabbed a pillow

"Don't you dare wake her up" I grabbed the pillow and he turned to face me "listen to her, you don't want to be in Lauren's bad side" Ally says from behind me Y/bff looked over to Y/n then back to me "fine, I won't wake her" he hanged his head down and walked out I smirked and placed the pillow down

Your pov,
"Bitch wake up!" I sat up quickly bumping heads with Y/bff

"Ahh what the fuck Y/bff" he groan holding his head "my head! My head" why is he yelling! "Why are you yelling?, what about my head!" He chuckled rubbing his forehead "it's funny....my head, my head" he yelled in a deep voice but started laughing I laughed along rubbing my forehead

"You're an idiot dude" he chuckled and the door opened and the girls came running in with big rob "why were you two yelling!" Normani asked "sorry Y/n bumped heads with me, we were just joking around" Lauren had an angry look she looked down and sighed "why would you guys yell like that! You got us worried!" She balled her hands up

Oh no I got her angry already

"We're sorry, we forgot we usually joke like that when we get hurt" I say walking up to Lauren grabbing her hands "I'm sorry we worried you all" I say looking at each girl and big rob, Lauren sighed looking up at me "dude you have a red bump" Dinah laughed with the rest of the girls giggling "really?" Normani touch my forehead and it hurt!?! "Ow!" I pulled away from Lauren putting a hand on my bump "Normani!" "What I didn't touch her head that hard!"

"Dude did I really hit your head or a fucking wall" he chuckled knocking on his head "I have a rock solid head" "yeah of stupidity" I mumbled "hey" he pushed my hand making me push on my bump "ow! Dude!" I punched him in the balls and he groan hitting me also "fuck" I mumbled cupping myself

"Y/bff what the fuck, she's a girl" I hear Camila "she hit me first" "and! You're not supposed to touch a girl there" oh why my balls

I took a deep breath feeling someone's hand on my back "are you okay?" Lauren asked fuck what do I do

"Yeah I'm fine" I say standing up straight but still cupping myself "you fucking idiot" I say to Y/bff he just smirked "girls you need to get ready for show" big rob says they all turned back to us, thank god,

"don't kill each other" "no promises" we both say they rolled there eyes walking out

Soon as the door closed I groan falling to the floor "why would you hit me so hard what the fuck hit my boobs instead" I say kicking him "why did you hit me then!" "You made me hit my bump!" He walked over to the little fridge and grabbed two ice packs "here I saved them" I thanked him and placed him on my 'injuries' "next time hit my boobs they will hurt less" he just opened a bag of chips mumbling an okay

A/n: this chapter was boring cause I didn't know what to write about lol sorry! Sorry for mistakes also

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