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|One month later|
"I don't know if I'm ready to be on the road with Lauren you know how awkward I get when I can't be myself" lucky for me Lauren and the girls don't mind Y/bff joining us, so I will have him "don't worry kid I'm going too so if you don't feel like your self come talk to me, anyways the girls rather have you act you're self then act like someone you're not"

I put my bag down and stood up "yeah but the person I am is fighting with my best friend and we hit each other's dick when we're angry at one another and I'm weird nervous reck when sitting quickly I'm like a 5 year old, Lauren doesn't know that part of me because we haven't been that long in a room together what if she doesn't like me anymore"

Y/bff sighed coming over to me putting his hat back on "she loves you right?" I nodded "yes I guess" "then she will love the childish person you are maybe she gets annoyed but she won't stop loving you" I sighed putting my Spiderman beanie on "okay I just hope you're right"

"I know I am, I'm always right" I rolled my eyes putting my book bag on "you better not be flirting with any of the girls you hear me" he nodded "duh I am fateful to Mia she's the best" I nodded "yeah I like her she's cool" he nodded having those Lovey-dovey eyes

"Let's go lover boy" I laughed pulling him out my room with my bag

The girls were going to perform with Taylor fucking Swift I am so excited for the girls,

All the girls are a nervous mess Camila basically cried when Taylor asked them to go on stage with her and it was the funniest thing ever because she fell out her bunk and started crying because she was happy and that she hurt her arm and head I tried not to laugh while on FaceTime with Lauren but I couldn't help it Dinah was a laughing mess also but it just cute and funny

Right now the girls are with Taylor so Y/bff and I are going to meet them at the stadium

We got to the stadium and I started to get extremely nervous "Y/bff, I don't know if I can do this, th-the girls parents are going to be he-here that me-means I will have to me-me-meet Lauren's parents, we been dating for a-a month and a week isn't that wrong to date without meeting the parents? First?" He laughed like I was freaking out over nothing but this is important

What if Lauren's parents think I'm not right for their daughter what if they didn't know she's was into girls most importantly that they didn't know their daughter is dating a freak well I'm not a freak but you know how people label everyone, what if they think I'm disrespectful for not meeting them sooner oh man oh no I can't deal with all those questions

"Yo dude! Chill mama they will love you everyone loves you" I shook my head pulling on my crop top sweater "I should've worn a different shirt this isn't respectful to meet the girl you love, parents" Y/bff pulled my beanie off and hit me with hit

"Get your shit together woman I highly doubt Lauren's parents haven't heard of you your basically all over her Twitter, insta and the fifth harmony snapchat along with Normani posting videos of you two talking, Dinah post funny FaceTime calls with you and Ally just posting cute moments between you and Lauren, and fans taking pictures with 'Lauren's sexy ass girlfriend' so get yourself together"

He gave me my beanie back, he was right in only a month a lot of people has heard of me well only that I'm Lauren's girlfriend but still and he's right Lauren's parents did recently followed me on Instagram

"You're right okay I'm ready" I put my beanie back on and we were about to walk in when I stopped us "what now?" "Why are you trying to twin with me I just noticed we're both wearing red" he looked at his outfit then back at me "you're the one twinning with me" he hit me in my dick and ran "you fucking ass crack" I groan taking a deep breath I ran still holding my junk maybe I catch up to him and hit him harder

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