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luckily my bump on my forehead went down, "come on let's go see the girls" I stood up from the floor and followed Y/bff out

"Hey girls!! I beat Y/n up yay me, she was some fighter" Y/bff yelled "you did what?!" I hear Lauren I laughed walking in and finding Lauren had Y/bff pinned against the floor "yo Y/n do you um maybe think you can get your girlfriend off me, she scares me" I laughed with the rest of the girls and I got Lauren off him she placed her hands on my cheeks checking my face and body

"Lauren he was joking I'm fine" I chuckled making her look at me "are you sure" I nodded looking over her outfit

Oh my god, why did I look, I felt my dick twitch her legs look so tan and smooth I just wanted to run my hands up her legs and her boobs look...fuck I'm staring and probably drooling

I look up and she had a smirk on her face "ugh...I'm going to get something to drink" I walked away from her hearing all the girls laughing and Y/bff,

Why do I have to be so weird

Lauren's pov,
Y/n walked away from me with her cheeks rose red i bit my bottom lip and turned to the girls and Y/bff "stop laughing at her" their laughing started to die down and they sighed

"Ah she's so cute, she was so cute checking you out Lo" Dinah says picking up her phone "she wasn't checking me out" I hope she was

"Are you blind woman she got a boner" Y/bff yelled covering his mouth a boner? How

"I mean a lady boner ha you know if she had a dick she would have a boner not that she has one or not" he laughed nervously and Y/n walked back in and we all stared at her

But my eyes moved to her jeans does she have a dick, Y/bff was acting weird about it

"What?" Y/n asked "ugh let me talk to you for a sec" Y/bff pushed her back out and I turned to the girls

"Well....umm." Ally started

To be completely honest I wouldn't care if she had a dick or not, because I like her, I like her personality not what's in between her legs....but her having a dick is fucking sexy as hell

"Do you care Lo if she does...you know...have a thingy" Camila asked me I just shook my head no "no not at all, why do you guys see her differently now?" They quickly shook their head no "not at all she's freaking fun as hell to be around with" Normani says with Dinah agreeing "yeah we don't care Lo" Ally says and Y/n walked back in with Y/bff "I uh think I'm going to go" she laughed nervously no she can't leave

"No, you said you had tickets" I say going up to her "yeah we do but I think it's bes-" I cut her off by saying "I don't care" she looked at me weirdly and I continue

"I know, about your um thingy" her face redon and she looked down

"Don't leave Y/n just because we found out about your um secret" I hear Dinah from behind me "yeah Y/n we are not going to judge or see you any different" she looked up slowly with teary eyes i placed my hands on her cheek wiping off her tears

"I told you Y/n, the girls aren't like the kids in our school" I frown wrapping my arms around her neck hugging her tightly I smiled when I felt her arms go around my waist "please stay" I mumbled against her neck she nodded taking a deep breath against my shoulder I smiled even bigger keeping her in my arms

>the show<
Your pov,
Is it weird that I have a boner while watching the girls perform basically because Lauren keeps being a fucking tease on stage

The girls were doing amazing but I couldn't help the dirty thoughts the way Lauren moved her hips or the way she would feel up her body or the mic stand   Or the way she would stick her tongue out and do this slow turn and she would lock eyes with me while doing all of that I hate her teasing

That's for sure

>end of the show<
After the show we went back to backstage and the girls were all changed out of their outfits in comfy PJs I guess "Y/n" Lauren ran up to me jumping into my arms I chuckled holding her up she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck "did you like the show" I nodded "yeah you girls did amazing out there" she bit her bottom lip cuddling her head in my neck

"You guys killed it, I can't hear in my right ear" Y/bff says causing everyone in the room to laugh "we're heading back to the hotel do you two wanna come and hang a little longer" I looked at Y/bff he nodded and I feel Lauren hug me tighter "yeah sure" I felt Lauren smile against my neck and the rest of the girls just cheered

>car ride<
"Did Lauren fall asleep on you again?" Dinah asked I chuckled feeling Lauren smile "no she's up she smiled"

"I am almost a sleep" she husked picking her head up looking at her band mates "Y/n isn't a bed girl!" Normani yelled "she's comfy like one" Lauren giggled laying her head back down I smiled kissing her template

"Snapchat time!" Dinah yelled and i see a flash and I quickly cover my face in Lauren's head letting my hair cover me

"Oh come on! I wanted to get a picture of Y/SN"

"No I look tired and like a zombie" I hear the girls laugh and Lauren sits up slightly "Dinah get the picture" Lauren laid her head covering her mouth with her hand I smiled at her and the flash went off

"I wasn't ready " "who cares next one"

I shook my head and turned to the camera and Dinah got the picture "I got two, one of Y/n looking at Lauren in that adorable way and the one she's smiling up at the camera" Dinah showed us the picture in the story and I smiled we look really cute together "send them to me please" Lauren and I say we looked at each other and laughed

When We got to the hotel, Lauren fell asleep on top of me "Lauren is a party pooper today" I chuckled at Dinah's comment "where's her room so I can let her sleep" I ask when we got to the their floor Normani hand me their key and I turned to the door "we're only two rooms down" I nodded and put the key in and the door opened

I walked in and look at the two beds I look at the bags and see Normani's book bag by the left bed so that means Lauren's is the bed on the right

I walk over to her bed and lay her down gently, I put her blanket over her and kissed her head "night Lauren" I was about to walk out when I hear her voice "Y/n" I walked back over to her and kneel down

"What's up beautiful?" She smiled lazily and stroked my cheek "can you stay and cuddle with me" I smiled nodding "sure baby" I took my shoes off and my jacket and got into bed with her she snuggle up to me kissing my cheek "you should've got comfortable" I froze for a moment what did she mean by that?  

"I noticed every time we snapchat in the morning you're usual in your boxers and a t-shirt" I chuckled rubbing her back softly "it's okay, I'm fine like this"

"You sure" she yawned I nodded kiss her head again "yeah sleep baby" she nodded slowly and and her breathing slow to minimum I knew she had fall asleep I got my phone out to text Y/bff

To, bishh💀✖️- I'm not coming over Lauren asked me to stay with her

From, bishh💀✖️- iight I'll hang with the girls then go home, use protection

To, bishh💀✖️- she's asleep idiot 

He just read the text so I placed my phone down and cuddled closer to Lauren, I'm so glad she doesn't really care about me having a dick, and the rest of the girls were also so sweet and accepting I couldn't thank them for a better reaction

I'm glad My idols don't see me any different,

I sighed happily letting sleep take over

A/n: it's raining its a beautiful site

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