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If your best friend is a girl sorry I just left it as a boy

Lauren's pov
I been laying in bed like a Sadsack cause Y/n been posting on snapchat with that boy who the girls are saying is just her 'friend' but I don't believe it anymore there was a picture of him kissing her cheek and she was smiling so big and there was a videos of him calling her babe I mean I call the girls that but not my guy friends

I refreshed the story page and Y/n's name popped up I clicked and smiled but quickly pouted

"This dude is the best" she moves the camera from her adorable face to her 'friend' "ha you know how I do" she laughed putting the camera back to her self "I love you" and the video ended I wish I didn't see it

I locked my phone and yelled against my pillow

How can I like someone with just a day of talking we haven't even talked about much just where she works

My phone dinged and I pick it up and see its snapchat I unlock it and see Y/n message me

"Hey beautiful I'm sorry i basically broke our promise I'm so mad at my self but the day hasn't end so snap me back beautiful" I smiled my whole mood changed ugh she has that effect on me

I sat up and recorded myself

"Hi, it's okay you looked busy today and if you still wanna talk to me then just snap me back" I smiled and ended the video I hope she isn't busy

After a few I got a video from her,

"Of course I wanna talk to you who wouldn't want to see that beautiful smile, so what were you doing-Hey" she yelled throwing something behind her I giggled she called my smile beautiful I went to the camera and started recording

"Nothing I was just in bed in the hotel room I'm sharing with Normani, the rest of the girls are chilling by the pool I decided to stay here" I send that and grabbed the hotel phone I rather order myself some pizza I'm hungry

After I ordered my lunch my phone dinged

"Awe why so alone" she pouted "you don't like the pools at the hotel I see, but now you have me so not so alone now" she giggled flashing me that beautiful smile I bit my bottom lip nodding totally forgetting she's not really here okay my turn

"I kinda don't I rather stay inside and cuddle but I don't have a cuddle buddy" I pouted when there was a knock "my foods here" I giggled stopping the video and sending it to her I got up and answered the door

"For miss Jaureky" I rolled my eyes grabbing the pizza box "Jaureguii" he blushed hard and nodded "sorry beautiful" I gave him a fake smile and grabbed my drink from him "you're real pretty" he says I rolled my eyes again and push my door to close "yeah I know bye now" I closed the door on his face hearing

"Hey can I have your number at least" I sat the pizza down on the bed and my drink on the nightstand I pick my phone up and see two snaps

"I love to cuddle!" She smiled biting her bottom lip is she trying to kill me "and what did you order I wanna see" she got closer to the camera so only her eye was on the camera I laughed hearing her adorable laugh and her 'friends' laugh I clicked the next one and it was her eating

"What you eating loser" I could see her outfit she looked so adorable in black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt and a red flannel on top "I am eating pizza our left over pizza,...yes I know we just ate two hours ago but it was calling out to me okay" she smirked taking a bite from her pizza fuck how can someone look so fucking sexy eating

I need to drink my Dr. Pepper cause I am lowkey thirsty for some Y/n

"I am eating pizza too maybe not left over pizza but still pizza and I love your outfit Y/n you look extremely cute" I send that snap and grabbed a slice of pizza

Your pov,
I been snapchatting with Lauren for the whole afternoon I learned a lot about her, not like the usual that she says in interviews but like more personal stuff she's seems to open up to me a lot so i returned that I basically told her everything how, I live with my parents but they mostly go on business trips and that I'm an only child I'm in my last year of high school I work at my uncles restaurant, my favorite food and color the usual but I didn't tell her about me having a dick cause she doesn't really have to know that right now

"You ignored me all day to chat with Lauren loser" I hear Y/bff say I just rolled my eyes and send the latest snap to Lauren she was hanging with the rest of the girls just watching movies but she didn't want to stop chatting with me

"Jealous that I have a new best friend" he rolled his eyes pushing me slightly "no I'm jealous that your girlfriend took you away" he smirked I just rolled my eyes this time "she's not my girlfriend how many times do I have to tell you" "what ever"

I got up and went over to turn on my playstation grabbing the two controllers giving Y/bff one "I'll just snap Lauren telling her I'm gonna talk to her later so start up the game" he nodded and I walked back to the kitchen to grab my phone and I had a new snap

"The movie was ending but the girls want to go out but I don't wanna" "yo Y/n let Lauren go out girl" I chuckled at Lauren's adorable face and Dinah in the background twerking with Normani as usual "Dinah shh quiet" the snap ended with her adorable giggle that I will never get bored of listening

"You should go out Lauren, I don't want to take you away from your band mates and I'll just hang out with Y/bff while your out" I smiled sending the snap i went over to the fridge and grabbed two cokes for Y/bff and I

Then my phone dinged I put the drinks down and my phone dinged again I open it and see a snap from Dinah and Lauren I'll see Dinah's cause she snapped me first

"Thank you Y/n go have fun with your boy while we hang out" I chuckled hearing Lauren's voice "he's not her boy" well he is my boy but a brother not a boyfriend if that's what they think "what ever Lauser will snap you later" the snap ended with all the girls yelling bye I smiled and snapped Dinah back

"Your welcome? I think ha have fun girls and be safe duh and I wanna see snaps you here I'm talking to the four who uses snapchat the most" I got real comfortable with the girls from the snaps they send me behind Lauren's back I'm totally glad I'm getting to know my idols more, now let's see Lauren's snap

"Oh okay..I'll snap you when we get back to the hotel have fun with um..Y/bff bye" she smiled slightly and the snap ended her mood was different she sounded and looked kinda upset I hope everything is okay

"Yeah for sure snap me when you get to the hotel, and you to have fun and be safe please all of you" I smiled and ended the snap and send it "yo Y/n hurry up" I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed the sodas walking back to the living room

A/n: Lauren's laugh is the cutest thing ever

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