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Your pov,
I am so ready to sleep! but first let me eat I'm hungry I sat down at my table opening the bag of McDonald's I bought, I took out my Big Mac and French fries "hello beautiful food" i was ready to get a bit when my phone dinged it was snapchat from Lauren ugh I'm not in the mood to snap maybe I can get her number and facetime her

I open the snap and it was a video of course

"We just finished the show and I am showered and in some comfy clothes ready to talk with your beautiful self" 

She's so cute when she's hyped up 

"I will never understand how hyped up you are after dancing your ass off but can I have your number so I can have you on FaceTime" I send that and quickly made another

"Because I just got home from work and I'm going to eat and like that I can see your beautiful face with out waiting" I send that and put my phone down hopefully I'm not passing any lines with asking her for her number

I took a bite from my burger and my phone dinged I open it and it was her only a message but it was her number yess! I got Lauren number okay I shouldn't be that hyped but I am

I quickly put her number in and FaceTime her

"Hey!!" Well she's in a good mood

"Hi beautiful" I placed my phone against the flower vase to stay up on my face

"Awe you're wearing your work uniform" I nodded loosing my tie "yeah I'm too lazy to change right now" she smiled biting her bottom lip and her phone gets taken away and Dinah face appears "girl let me tell when Lauren sees you in your uniform she gets all we-"

"Shut up" Lauren took the phone from Dinah and it falls to the floor I couldn't help but laugh at all the yelling

"Get off me Lauren!" "Lauren get off my Dinah!" "Never!" I just continue my eating waiting for one of them to pick me up

"Hey guys I'm still on the floor" I mumbled when I heard it get louder with yelling "oh shit Y/n" Lauren yelled and picked the phone up and she smiled "hello again" I chuckled "hi sorry we got in a little fight" she smirked turning the phone over to Dinah who had a death looking stare

"I will kill your girlfriend Y/n" I laughed trying to hide my blush but I couldn't help but blush harder when I noticed Lauren blushing also

"Okay I'm going to my bunk" Lauren mumbled grabbing something and run pass Dinah laughing "hang on a sec" she pause me and I heard shuffling and little whispers from the girls

While Lauren was busy I just started throwing my stuff away "I'm back" the camera turned back to her cuddling her famous Nala "you finished eating?" I nodded putting my drink down "yes it was delicious" she giggled biting her bottom lip

"So how was the show?" I asked taking my vest off I should've just changed first oh well

"Amazing as usual the harmonizers are great they always make me smile" I smiled nodding "we are the bomb" she laughed nodding "so what are you going to do now?" I shrugged my shoulders picking my tie and vest up "I'm going to change and you're coming to watch" okay that sounded less sexual in my head

"Oh really I'm watching?" I laughed nervously "you know what I mean, the phone will be face the other way" she laughed nodded "I know dork" I walked into my room throwing my vest and tie on my desk

"So what time do you usually go to sleep Laur?" I put the phone down on my desk and started to take my shirt off "um, usually an hour after show but I'm not sleepy, why are you tired" I shook my head putting my shorts on oh yeah she's facing down "no, well kinda but I'm fine" I picked out a black sports bra and put that on and tied my hair up

"I'm back" I smiled I don't think Lauren will mind me in just my sports bra "you um changed quickly" her phone fell to the pillow and I hear a mumble 'oh my god' I chuckled "yeah I only changed into shorts and a sports bra" she picked her phone and she had red cheeks

"Right I forgot" she laughed nervously "want me to put a shirt" I smiled "NO!, I-I mean no it's fine" I smiled walking over to my bed "you're adorable" she blushed even harder cuddling her face in Nala "stop you're the adorable one" 

"Nah, You are" she poked her eye out and I laughed "see adorable" she smiled showing me her beautiful smile "I hate you" I gasped falling onto my bed she laughed I sat back up and picked my phone up

"How could you say that? I am very lovable you know" she laughed again ugh I can listen to her laugh forever

"Oh really who says?"  "Me, myself and I" she laughed even harder I couldn't help but join her "why am I laughing so much it's like one in the morning" I just shrugged my shoulders "because I am funny duh" she nodded yawning

"Sleepy babe" she smiled nodding "yes but I don't want to stop talking to you" I smiled laying down on my right side putting my blanket over myself

"Me either but you need you're sleep" she groan shifting to pull her blanket up "but I'm having to much fun talking with you Y/n" I nodded yawning after "yes, me too but I don't want to see you tired" she nodded rubbing her eyes like a baby with her fist "I love how you rub your eyes like a baby" she smiled covering her mouth yawning again

"No I don't" I nodded "yes you do like this lookie" I put my fist against my eye and did what she does she giggled pouting "I do do that don't I" I nodded "yeah but it's cute" she smiled and it sound like someone opened her bunk

"I thought you fell asleep" Lauren shook her head "are you hungry?" It sound like Camila "kinda, but I'm fine" "you haven't ate" I asked quickly then I hear Camila say "come eat with Ally and I"

"I'm talking with Y/n" I chuckled "I don't care" "she won't mind" Lauren sighed looking at the her phone I nodded "fine I'll be out in a second"

"Are you sleepy?" She asked me "no" she gave me that 'don't lie to me' face I laughed and nodded "I am but I'll wait for you to eat" she shook her head "no you should sleep" I shook my head this time "I'm fine I can stay up a little while longer" she sighed nodding

"Okay but if you're sleepy tell me" I nodded

Lauren's pov
When I finished eating and throwing my stuff away I heard light snoring I turned to my phone and noticed a adorable sleeping Y/n her face was half cuddled up to her pillow and her hand under her chin, how did she leave her phone up?

I quickly screen-shot her and smiled, I have fallen for this girl so fast that I can't even believe how much I love her, I just wish I was there with her to cuddle her, kiss her, and just be wrapped around her arms

"Awe Y/n is a cute sleeper" I turn my head and it's all the girls "yeah she's adorable" I mumbled biting my bottom lip "hopefully she asks you out soon Lo, because Y/SN needs to be a go" 

I laughed at Mani's ship name for us I like it it's cute Y/SN, yeah that's perfect

"I'm going to go to bed" they all nodded and I started heading to my bunk

I got all comfortable and I don't think I wanna end the call I know it's weird but this is the closes I'll get to being with her

"Goodnight Y/n" I cuddled my Nala and I was ready to let sleep take over but I quickly awaken at what Y/n just mumbled in her sleep

"I love you Lauren"

A/n: when will Y/n ask Lauren out my god, lol
I am so mad that Lauren has a snapchat but won't make it public like girl please make it public!

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