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I walked into my house frowning I hate saying goodbye Lauren had to leave at 4 in the morning she just kissed my head and said bye I was half asleep so I don't really remember what I said all I remember is her telling me to check my snapchat when I wake up

"I am so sorry i didn't get to say a proper bye to you, it was just hard to say good bye to you Y/n I hope your not mad at me"

I smiled slightly at her adorable pouty face, she's right it would've been hard to say goodbye because we didn't even get to hang out as much uh I just wish I could be holding her right now

"Hi, I just got home and it's alright I guess, at least you did say goodbye when I was half asleep" I chuckled and ended the video sending it to her

"Hoe we got invited to a party" I turn around and Y/bff comes in swinging the door shut "what party? Who's party?"

"We are going to Noah's party apparently his girlfriend likes Fifth harmony and she saw us hanging out with the girls so we got invited, who knew anyone from our school liked the girls" ugh but I don't want to go because they are only going to ask how we know the girls and I don't want to answer them

"Come Y/n this is our first real popular people party" Y/bff been to popular party's what is he talking about

"Okay I mean as us together like you got invited too, you have to come with me, my best friend is invited so I'm excited please"

"Can I think about it?" He sighed nodding "fine think about it"

"I'm going to head out, I need to babysit my little brother" I nodded and gave him a hug before he left

I went up to my room changing out of my outfit from last night I headed to my bathroom I guess I'll shower and then take a nap I'm still tired

I changed into basketball shorts and a tank top and getting into bed

My phone dinged soon as I picked it up and it's snapchat

"You were really cute sleeping, I miss your warmth" Lauren pouted and Dinah come in the background making a face "so what are you planning on doing today?" The snap end with her beautiful smile  

Should I tell Lauren I may go out with Y/bff what if she gets upset and never talks to me...nah I don't think so she was cool when I was surprising her and I said I was gonna hang out with Y/bff

"Nothing right now, but I may go to this party, one of the kids from my school invited me, it sounds like fun" I send the snap

And instantly got a snap back

"Oh that sounds like fun, who are going with? Do you know the people that invited you" she sound a little jealous and upset why?

"Yeah its a popular kid from my school and I'm going with Y/bff he wants me to go because this is the first party I got invite to but I don't know"

I sighed laying down in my bed I wonder if I should go, I mean the people from my school doesn't like me, but maybe they do after this party maybe I can finally have a good last year in high school my phone dinged twice I unlock it and see the two dings are from Lauren 

"Well if you don't want to go don't go only because Y/bff is asking you to you don't have to go" she whispered I noticed she's in a hotel room I guess one of the girls are sleeping I click the second one

"Dinah be quiet Camz is sleeping" I guess Dinah had the camera but it was pointing down to the bed "so did you tell Y/n not to go out" what? "No it's her choice I don't want to make her think I'm running her life" the video ended and then there was another one

"Yeah but you like her" "I do, but it won't work she doesn't like me I know that and I rather see her happy" the camera went up and it just showed Lauren half smiling with watery eyes

Lauren likes me? Why would she think I don't like her back? Well I never made it obvious she never did either but wow I can't believe she likes me..wait if Lauren doesn't want to go out should I? Or should ask to see her opinion I'll do that but first let me snap Dinah

"Dinah if that was a private conversation......thank you for including me" I laughed and send the snap to her

"What do you think Lauren should I go out? Or just stay home I don't really know what to do" I flopped back down on my bed and smiled at the video sending it to her

I have to think of something to do when I ask her out...but what if Lauren knew Dinah was snapping so she just lied oh no what if she was lying

My phone dinged twice and it was snapchat from Dinah and Lauren I open Dinah's first

"It was and you're welcome so ask her out and you better treat her like the princess she is if not I will rip your balls off" oh shit then it wasn't a joke and I am not disappointing Dinah I wanna keep my balls that's for sure

"I thought it was a joke at first but I will...soon and don't worry Lauren deserves the world and I am willing to try and give it to her and make sure she is happy" 

Now Lauren's snap

"Um..do what you feel is right, if it was me I think I would've stayed home but if you really wanna go then go" the snap ended so now me

"Okay I'll stay home, I kinda didn't want to go anyways parties aren't really my thing"

What am I going to do all bored today though, if Y/bff goes to the party Lauren will be on stage and not snap me until midnight or something I'll be bored maybe I can go to work and call in yeah I'll do that

My phone dinged and I open it

"Really? I would've thought you liked parties you seem like a fun party buddy but awe I won't get to talk to you because I'll be on stage" she pouted and the video ended

"Errr wrong I am a awkward party buddy not fun, and it's okay I'm going to work"

Now let me call my uncle that I'm going in for work

"Y/n, hi!" He is always in a good mood "hi tio, are you short in employees?" He chuckled and he must of nodded cause he quickly said

"Yes, yes mi hija puedes venir(can you come)" "yeah that's actually why I called at what time?"

"Uhh......En una hora(in an hour)"

"Okay está bien ahí llego(that's good I'll be there)" "ill see you in hour bye mi hija" "bye tio"

I end the call and go to snapchat and it's two from Lauren

"Oh I didn't know you worked today? What time do you work because like that I know your not ignoring me on purpose" she giggled and I clicked the second one

"Everyone is sleeping..I'm so alone" she giggled and showed each girl sleeping how can they all look so adorable sleeping 

"I work in one hour so I basically got to leave you to get ready" I pouted but quickly say "but i will snap you on my break and before you go on stage" I smiled and the video ended and I send it now I have to get dressed for work I'll text Y/bff after that I can't go the party

A/n: idk where I'm taking this story now lol but I'll update soon

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