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Your pov,
"Y/n!" I laughed running away from Lauren

We were outside the venue of the girls show with the common kings and Dinah, Y/bff and  Normani

The common kings where showing the girls how to skateboard, so when they invited Y/bff and I we jumped out our bunks and joined them

Y/bff and I used to skateboard, well Y/bff still does I think, I stopped because mi mami forbid me for skateboarding because when we were younger Y/bff and I were trying to learn new tricks but unfortunately my clumsy self fell and broke my forearm and my mom went crazy so she took my skateboard away

I'm currently running away from Lauren because we were both on the boards and I was pretending that I didn't know how to skateboard so I skated quickly up to her yelling that I was going to crash she was freaking out but I quickly move before I bumped into her and she most fell which I feel really bad about but Dinah catch her

"I'm so sorry baby" I say between my laughs wrapping Lauren in my arms "you're so mean" she pulled away from me crossing her arms and pouting

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would actually believe me" she rolled her eyes punching me in the shoulder "ow" I mumbled staring at her

"Oh shit Y/n your in trouble" a fan yelled causing everyone else to yell

"No please I can't be in trouble, I need to have your kisses" I placed my hands on her cheeks and she just smirked

What Lauren does this thing now that if she's angry with me or upset with me she doesn't let me kiss her not even on the forehead for a goodnight kiss nothing she knows I love kissing her any chance I get so taking away any kissing drives me crazy

"I should take the kisses away" she mumbled "no don't, here I'll help you skateboard" I remove my hands from her cheeks going to get the board placing it in front of her

"Here you go" I stood back up picking her up and placing her on the board

Lauren unfolded her arms smiling

"Y/n is whipped!!" Dinah yelled skating passed us causing the fans to go crazy

"No I'm not!" "Yes you are" Lauren cupped my face bring us into a short but a filled up loving kiss

"Ha Lauren is a boss at skating" I yelled running beside her

"She isn't as good as me" Dinah skated passed us sticking her tongue out "what ever Hansen" Lauren yelled speeding up "slow down Tiger I wanna be able to catch you if you fall babe"

I stopped run to catch my breath for a second and right when I stopped following Lauren she tripped on something jumping off and almost falling

"Lauren!" I ran but she bumped into Y/bff he catch Lauren In time  "you alright" he asked removing his hands from her waist "yeah I'm fine"

"Lauren didn't I tell you to slow down" I say out of breath standing in front of her

"Yes, but I thought I had the hang of it"

"You could've fell and hurt yourself, what if Y/bff wasn't here to catch you"

"Dude chill she didn't hurt herself" Y/bff says chuckling

"I'm sorry alright I knew what I was doing I'm not a 5 year old Y/n"

"I'm not saying you are one, you just need to be extra careful you have a show today" she rolled her eyes putting her hand in her hair

Luckily we were between the buses so the fans couldn't see us arguing

"You don't think I know that" she yelled walking away

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