chapter 2 - Hello, Cruel World

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From 6.04 "Singers' Weekend", at Bobby's House's front door, Bobby opened the door to find FBI Agent Adams and Sheriff Jody Mills.

Adams put away his badge, looking at Jody. "I believe you know Sheriff Mills."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in Bobby's House, Bobby, Ness and Dean were trapped in the closet. The nine remaining Zombies were pounding on the door, trying to break through. Sam, Catty and Jody were behind the nine Zombies, shooting three Zombies each in the head, killing them all. All of the Zombies fell to the floor, dead.

From 6.07 "Family Matters", in the motel room, Octavia looked at Dean and Catty. "It's his soul. It's gone." 

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", Sam had a fast flash of memories when he didn't have his soul.

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Bobby's House's Panic Room, Death sat down on the bed with a briefcase, opening it to reveal a white glowing light.

Death: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "Can't erase Sam's Hell, but I can put it behind a wall."

Death put Sam's soul into his chest, making him scream in agony.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in Sam's flashback of Hell, Sam was standing in the Cage, burning, screaming in agony.

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in the alley, Castiel looked at Dean, Bobby, Ness, Sam and Catty. "I will save Sam, but only if you stand down, and I will find it either way."

"Save Sam from what?" Catty asked. "Find what?"

Castiel disappeared. He reappeared behind them. Catty and Sam turned to face him in confusion. Castiel touched Sam's temple, placing a hand on Catty's stomach. A flash of bright white light surrounded them.

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Sam's Mind, Sam was driving the Impala.

Octavia was in the passenger seat. "Our friend Cas brought down the Hell-Wall in your head."

From 5.19 "Hammer of the Gods", in the hotel's grand ballroom, The flames disappeared, revealing no damage to Lucifer.

Lucifer: (voice over from 5.03 Free to Be You and Me) "You know who I am."

Sam: (voice over from 5.03 Free to Be You and Me) "Lucifer."

From 7.01 "Meet the New Boss", in the warehouse's hallway, Lucifer appeared in Sam's way. "Hi, Sam." Sam looked at him in shocked denial. "I think this is my best torture yet. You never left, Sam. You're still in the Cage... with me."

From 7.01 "Meet the New Boss", in Bobby's House's basement, Sam turned around. The basement was bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hung from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached. There was ominous laughter.

He heard Octavia's voice trying to get through to him. "Sam!"

Sam was in shocked denial. "Ava!"

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Sam's Mind, roadside, by the Impala, Sam looked at Octavia curiously. "You're not the real Ava."

Octavia shrugged slightly. "I'm only as real as you want me to be, Sam. But I'm here to help you." Sam barely nodded. "You will not like what is left to come if you do put yourself back together, Sam. I just want to be honest with you there. You will be in pain. You will see things. You will hear things. Memories and dreams of Hell will be just the beginning. It could very well kill you. I'm sorry about what's to come for you."

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