chapter 17 - Born-Again Identity

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From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in the restaurant, Catty held her knife to Guy's throat.

"There's no need to find something that's already been found, Ness," Crowley told her.

"What?" Dean asked.

Crowley looked at Catty. "I know where your child is, sweetheart. I might have foreseen Balthazar double crossing me in the manner that he had, and told Castiel to send it to where I wanted him to first, just for insurance. So it landed right in my lap. I have had it all along. So, it's safe."

"With you is not safe," Catty told him. "And why should I believe you?"

"Well, you shouldn't," Crowley told her. "But it's the truth. It's leverage, Catty, to keep the four of you in check long enough for it to grow enough to where I can use the power to do whatever it is that I please. Exterminating every last one of the Leviathan will be the first thing on the list."

"I don't believe you," Catty told him. "Tell me what it is."

"Too bad you didn't get the chance to welcome your darling daughter into the world," Crowley told her. "I think we've established that you can't kill me without losing the location of the precious little one forever. With me gone, it'll only be a matter of time before the Leviathans find her and eat her alive. So, you're stuck with me. I'll see you again."

Crowley disappeared, leaving. Catty put her hands to her head, furious and desperate, in denial, turning away.

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Sam's Mind, Sam was driving the Impala.

Octavia was in the passenger seat. "Our friend Cas brought down the Hell-Wall in your head."

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Sam's Mind, roadside, by the Impala, Sam looked at Octavia curiously. "You're not the real Ava."

Octavia shrugged slightly. "I'm only as real as you want me to be, Sam. But I'm here to help you." Sam barely nodded. "You will not like what is left to come if you do put yourself back together, Sam. I just want to be honest with you there."

From 7.01 "Meet the New Boss", in Bobby's House's basement, Sam turned around. The basement was bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hung from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached. There was ominous laughter.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.22 The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "You will be in pain. You will see things."

From 7.01 "Meet the New Boss", in Bobby's House's kitchen, Sam was reading a book. He was startled by a strange noise, looking behind him. The ceiling panel began to crack. A long chain fell down through the hole, wrapping itself around Sam's neck, pulling him up to the ceiling, strangling him. Lucifer's laugh was heard.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.22 The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "You will hear things. Memories and dreams of Hell will be just the beginning."

From 7.01 "Meet the New Boss", in the warehouse's hallway, Lucifer appeared in Sam's way.

From 7.02 "Hello, Cruel World", in the warehouse, 'Dean' smiled, morphing into Lucifer.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.22 The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "It could very well kill you. I'm sorry about what's to come for you."

From 7.02 "Hello, Cruel World", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Octavia sighed. "Yes, Cas did make your Hell-Wall tumble. That just means it's more of a... physical thing, no matter how small. You're looking at what is left of your wall. And now Ava's dead, you chose to see Ava as your wall, the only thing protecting you from the real danger that lies in that pretty little head of yours, because you're not ready to let go of Ava. Not yet."

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