chapter 12 - Time After Time

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From 7.10 "Death's Door", in the hospital's waiting room, Sam sat down in a chair, pressing on his palm he injured in 7.01 Meet the New Boss.

Octavia slowly sat next to Sam, not trying to be funny or as light-hearted she had been ever since Sam had started to see her. She was sympathetic and gentle. "Wound's like a doorbell. You ring, I come. Just like old times." Sam looked at Octavia, seeming to need more than what he had been getting. Like he needed the real Ava. "I'm so sorry, Sam."

Octavia looked at Sam sadly, not saying a word because she knew that no words would be enough to help him through this. She slowly took the hand that he injured on her Angel Sword, looking at Sam somberly.

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in the Gas & Sip, Octavia looked at Sam, sighing. "I won't be here forever, you know. The Hell Wall, me? It's crumbling as we speak. And when it's gone..."

Sam realized. "You will be, too."

Octavia raised her eyebrows slightly. "Exactly."

"And then what happens?" Sam asked.

"Then there's nothing stopping your hallucination of Lucifer, and all of your memories from Hell," Octavia answered.

"So it'll get even worse than this," Sam told her.

From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in Becky's Apartment, Sam and Octavia were seated at a table which was set for a candlelit dinner.

"So, until then, you'll be seeing less and less of me till the day that I'm just..." Octavia trailed off. She looked into a flame on a candle. "Gone."

The candle Octavia was looking at suddenly went out. Sam didn't like the idea of this.

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", outside the warehouse, Sam pressed his thumb against the hand he had wounded in 7.01 Meet the New Boss. He looked away toward the restaurant, thinking. He saw Octavia flickering in and out of focus by the entryway. He was confused by this.

From 7.11 "Adventures in Babysitting", in Rufus' Cabin, Sam pressed the injured hand from 7.01 Meet the New Boss. He was relieved to see Octavia appear next to him, only to be confused when Octavia flickered in and out of focus. Octavia seemed tired, looking at Sam, smiling a small, reassuring, sympathetic smile.

From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in Little White Chapel, Ness deepened the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck, bouquet still in hand. They continued to kiss in front of the altar.

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", in Bobby's Van, Bobby sat in the driver's seat. Ness sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm happy for you, Ness," Bobby told her. "And even if something does happen, I think you're gonna be okay."

Ness smiled a small smile. "Thanks, Dad."

Bobby nodded.

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in Rufus' Cabin, Catty, Sam, Dean, Bobby and Ness were gathered.

"Those things from Purgatory," Sam told them. "Uh... Leviathans."

"They're like Shapeshifters," Bobby told them.

From 7.02 "Hello, Cruel World", in the hospital morgue, Dr. Gaines put the mask on Ness, restraining her against the table, making her breathe in the medicine until she was almost asleep. He transformed. His mouth was huge. He had long pointed teeth and a two-pronged tongue, trying to bite Ness.

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