chapter 13 - The Slice Girls

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From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in Little White Chapel, Ness deepened the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck, bouquet still in hand. They continued to kiss in front of the altar.

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", in Bobby's Van, Bobby sat in the driver's seat. Ness sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm happy for you, Ness," Bobby told her. "And even if something does happen, I think you're gonna be okay."

Ness smiled a small smile. "Thanks, Dad."

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", outside the warehouse, Bobby and Ness ran toward the van, getting into the back of the van with Catty. Dick walked out of the warehouse, drawing a gun, shooting toward them. The door slid closed in front of Bobby. Bobby's Van drove away as fast as it could.

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", in Bobby's Van, Ness pulled Bobby's body into her arms. "Dad!"

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in the hospital, Bobby was being wheeled inside.

"Gunshot wound to the right frontal area, no exit wound found," a nurse told them.  

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in the church, The Reaper holding an old-fashioned watch on chain approached Bobby from behind. "Hello, Mr. Singer." Bobby turned to see the Reaper was dressed in a dark suit. There was a flash of lightning. The Reaper swung the watch on its chain, catching it in his hand. "Your time's up."

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in the trauma room, Ness, Dean, Sam and Catty stood at Bobby's bedside, watching him worriedly.

Ness looked at Dean, Sam and Catty for a moment, looking down at Bobby. "Hey, um... Dad, um, hey..." She took Bobby's hand. "Just... thanks... for everything. You got to keep fighting, Dad. Please. We can't lose you, too. I can't."

Ness let go of his hand.

Bobby raised his hand slightly, opening his eyes, smiling slightly, looking at Ness, Dean, Sam and Catty. "Idjits."

Bobby's head laid back onto the pillow, his eyes closing. The monitor Bobby was attached to started to beep.

"Dad?" Ness asked.

The monitor showed flat lines. Ness looked at Bobby in devastation. She looked disconcerted, in denial.

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in Bobby's House, the Reaper looked at Bobby. "What's it gonna be? Stay or go?"

From 7.07 "The Mentalists", outside the museum, Sam looked at Dean. "You lied to me, and you killed my friend."

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in the motel room, Dean removed the knife from Amy's chest.

Dean: (voice over from 7.07 The Mentalists) "Killing Amy was not wrong."

From 7.07 "The Mentalists", outside the museum, Dean looked at Sam. "You couldn't do it, so I did."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Crowley's Monster Prison, A female monster with red glowing eyes, their skin yellow around the eyes, was chained to the bed. Catty shot the monster in the head, killing her.

From 7.11 "Adventures in Babysitting", in Frank's trailer, Frank looked at Catty. "Here's my advice you didn't ask for. Quit."

"What?" Catty asked.

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