chapter 19 - Of Grave Importance

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From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in the church, The Reaper holding an old-fashioned watch on chain approached Bobby from behind. "Hello, Mr. Singer." 

From 7.06 "Slash Fiction", in Rufus' Cabin's basement, Bobby used a machete to decapitate Chet.

From 3.04 "Sin City", in the woods, Bobby used the Colt to shoot Ruby the Demon in the chest.

From 6.04 "Singers' Weekend", in Bobby's House's basement, Bobby torched the Crossroads Demon's bones in the tub. He blew out the pilot light of the flame thrower.

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in the church, Bobby turned to see the Reaper was dressed in a dark suit. There was a flash of lightning. 

The Reaper swung the watch on its chain, catching it in his hand. "Your time's up."  

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", outside the warehouse, Bobby and Ness ran toward the van, getting into the back of the van with Catty. Dick walked out of the warehouse, drawing a gun, shooting toward them. The door slid closed in front of Bobby. Bobby's Van drove away as fast as it could.

From 7.09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters", in Bobby's Van,  Ness pulled Bobby's body into her arms. "Dad!"

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in the trauma room, Bobby raised his hand slightly, opening his eyes, smiling slightly, looking at Ness, Dean, Sam and Catty. "Idjits."

Bobby's head laid back onto the pillow, his eyes closing. The monitor Bobby was attached to started to beep.

"Dad?" Ness asked.

The monitor showed flat lines. Ness looked at Bobby in devastation. She looked disconcerted, in denial.

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in Bobby's House's Library, Rufus looked at Bobby. "You really want to get stuck, turn into some Ghost?"

"I know what I'm doing, Rufus," Bobby told him.

From 7.11 "Adventures In Babysitting", in Rufus' Cabin, Sam, Dean, Catty and Ness were sitting silently in dim light in Rufus' Cabin. Sam was sitting in a chair. Catty was sitting on one couch. Dean was sitting across from Catty. They all had their hands on their laps. Ness was sitting on the window seat, arms wrapped around her knees, looking out of the window numbly, unblinkingly. All were completely quiet.

Rufus: (voice over from 7.10 Death's Door) "You're thinking you can help Ness."

Sam looked from Ness to Dean and Catty, looking away. Catty looked up from Sam to Ness to Dean, lowering her gaze. Dean looked from Sam and Catty to Ness, looking forward. Ness looked toward Sam, Catty and Dean. She lowered her gaze, turning her head to look out of the window.

Rufus: (voice over from 7.10 Death's Door)  "But how many Spirits you meet in their right mind?"

From 7.10 "Death's Door", in Bobby's Mind Space, in Bobby's House, the Reaper looked at Bobby. "What's it gonna be? Stay or go?"

Bobby didn't answer, looking from the places that Sam, Catty, Dean and Ness had been sitting to the Reaper in front of him.

From 7.18 "Party On, Garth", in Garth's Motel Room, Garth looked at Ness. "I'm concerned that Bobby might be haunting you."

"I've already tried contacting Bobby," Dean told her.

"Without me?" Ness asked.

"If he was there, I'd have told you," Dean told her.

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