chapter 7 - The Mentalists

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From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in the woods, Sam was following Amy. He held a knife to Amy's chest, looking at her crescent pendant necklace. "Hi, Amy."

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in Amy's House, Amy looked at Sam. "You know me. You know the kind of person I am."

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in Young Amy's House, Young Sam and Young Amy broke their kiss.

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in the alley, the man was tackled to the ground.

Dean: (voice over from 7.03 The Girl Next Door) "She's dropping bodies, man."

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in the motel room, Dean looked at Sam. "Which means we got to drop her."

Sam looked at Catty and Dean. "She's done. Trust me."

Catty nodded. "Okay."

From 7.03 "The Girl Next Door", in Amy's motel room, Dean looked at Amy. "You are what you are. You will kill again." He stabbed Amy in the heart, killing her. "I'm sorry."

Dean removed the knife.

From 7.04 "Defending Your Life" and 7.05 "Shut Up, Dr. Phil", there were multiple shots of Dean drinking from his flask.

From 7.04 "Defending Your Life", outside the victim's apartment, Sam looked at Catty and Dean, all of whom were posing as FBI. "I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do. So, thanks."

Catty nodded.

Dean looked away. "No problem."

From 7.06 "Slash Fiction", on the pier, Dean looked at Sam. "Yeah, you know my motto. Here to help."

"Kind of like you helped Amy?" Sam asked.

From 7.06 "Slash Fiction", in the cell block, Leviathan!Catty looked through the cell bars of Catty's cell to look at Catty. "Eve wanted to create the perfect beast."

Catty turned to face Leviathan!Catty, watching as she morphed into the form of Brett.

Leviathan!Brett smirked. "What do you think Eve meant by 'jack of all trades'? A calling for all the monsters, all in one body?" Catty raised her eyebrows, nodding. "Well, it can't really be a jack of all trades if a few key ingredients are missing, can it?"

"What are you talking about?" Catty asked.

 Leviathan!Brett ticked off the names and species with his fingers. "Alastair, Castiel, Brett, Catty. Demon, Angel, Human. You're chosen to be the vessel for arguably the most powerful creature this world's ever seen."

Catty started to realize what he meant, still confused, in denial. "No."

"You and Cas are the parents, but Alastair and Brett here helped the process along," Leviathan!Brett told her. "I guess you could call them the godfathers."  

From 6.19 "Mommy Dearest", in Ervin's diner, Eve/Mary appeared behind Catty, grabbing her shoulders, leaning her head closer to her. She smirked at something ironic. She bit Catty on her neck forcefully.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 Slash Fiction) "Why do you think she bit you? To turn you?"

From 7.06 "Slash Fiction", in the cell block, Leviathan!Brett shook his head, clicking his tongue. "Nope. She did it to turn your child before it was even born so it would be born the biggest freak this world has ever seen. Eve biting you was what triggered the kid's aging process. That's why you didn't even know you ever had it inside of you. Balthazar wanted to double cross Crowley, take the souls for himself, and make sure he didn't get hands on it, either."

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