Chapter 5

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Eddie POV:

 “Hey! Aleks! Look! Look outside,” I yelled.

Aleks shuffled behind me and glanced out the window.

I saw his eyes widen. The gloomy clouds we’d had over the past few days was starting to clear away to reveal the sun which shown brilliantly on our faces.

“Finally,” I heard him mutter.

I grabbed his hand and faced him. “We have to do something today, “ I pointed out. It was too beautiful a day to pass up. I wasn’t just about to let the day waste away.

“True. But I have a ton of videos that haven’t been uploaded over the past few days. I need to edit, I mean…”

I frowned at him.

“There is no way we’re staying inside today, Aleks.”

“I know, but the nobs—“

“No offense to the nobs, but screw them. I want to spend time with my boyfriend today.”

I saw him blush. He brushed some of his crazy hair out of his face and looked down at the ground. He was always pretty bashful when it came to affection.

I grabbed his chin and made him look me dead in the eyes.

“Promise me that the nobs can wait?”

“I can’t promise you th—“

I cut him off with a quick kiss on the lips.

“Now can you?”

He grinned at me slyly, “You’re gonna have to do better than that.”

I giggled my laugh and pulled him close to me.

“Sure thing, baby.”

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him onto me, forcing our lips to become one. They quickly molded to the other, and our tongues met in between. It was hot and steamy and better than any other kiss we had had recently—in my opinion. Aleks grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible with how close together we even were.

As soon as it had began, it ended, and a quick, sharp pang of sorrow hit me and left me like it was nobody’s business.

“Will you promise me now?”

Aleks nodded, “For sure.”


We were sitting in the long, luscious grass at the park outside the apartment. We hadn’t gone very far, but we had walked around for a half hour, just talking and holding hands, showing off to the world who we were, who we loved, and what meant the most to us in that moment.

I don’t think my heart had ever wanted to burst as much as it had today. I couldn’t handle all the emotions I felt for Aleks. Every day with him had been amazing. I felt that every morning when I woke up I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for us. All I wanted was to be with Aleks, hold him, love him, cherish him.

So as we watched the sun begin to set in the evening on a very memorable day, I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

“Yo estoy enamorado de ti. Sabes que?”

“Huh?” Aleks laughed lightly.

“I am in love with you. Did you know that?”

Aleks grinned. “Ah, so we’re playing the ‘I know two languages’ game, huh? Well I can play this game. Я влюблен в тебя. Теперь заткнись и поцелуй меня.”

“And what does that mean, Mr. Immortal?” I teased.

“I said ‘I love you too. Now shut the fuck up and kiss me.’”

“Oh,” I laughed, “Certainly.”

I leaned in towards him and touched his lips lightly, teasing him. He came in closer and forced our lips together.

As our lips danced in the rhythm of our love, my hand inched in the grass towards his and soon met it. 


I figured that you guys deserved another chapter. I've been a little sick recently but I've been getting around to feeling better. My creative juices are starting to flow again :D

So here's another chapter, and I think I'm going to pump out another one today. Expect it in an hour or so, though it may be a shorter one. 

But anyway. I saw a few chapters back that some people posted a comment and that made me super happy. I was all /squee/ and stuff. So if you guys really like what you're reading from me, don't be shy to post a comment. I love reading what your thoughts are on the story. Plus, it's motivation to me. Anyway, thanks for the support so far and have a great day! :)

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