Chapter 6- Jaxon

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"Hey Phil." I catch up to him as we walk down the empty hallway.

No response comes and I wait expectantly. Maybe he didn't hear me, "Phil....Phiiiilll?"

"What!" He shouts and turns around to face me, "What, Dan? What do you want?" He asks, sounding aggravated.

"Why weren't you at school yesterday?"

Phil gives me a look of annoyance, "Jaxon wanted to spend the day with me." Phil pauses, "Is it so bad that I want to spend the day with my son?" He whispers.

"No, Phil not at all. I was just worried and thought that Jaxon might've gotten hurt-"

"Jaxon's fine. It's none of your business anyway." Tears are now clouding his eyes and his hands are in tight fists.

"Phil, calm down."

"No! I can't calm down. You weren't supposed to know about Jaxon. No one was supposed to know about him! Only people that need to know about him, know about him and you weren't one of those people."

"Phil, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson just gave me your address and told me to give you the class work."

"Why did he ask you to?" Phil squints his eyes.

"Because evidently, I'm the only one that you've really talked to in that class."

Phil looks down and chews his lip.

"Phil, I want you to know that this doesn't change anything. I don't think any less of you either. But, one thing is going to change for now on." He looks back up at me. Phil almost looks scared, "For now on, I'm going to your house. No more coming to mine. You need to stay with Jaxon as much as possible."

Phil's face changes and a sad smile breaks through. Phil tightly hugs me and I instantly wrap my arms around him, "T-Thank you." He whispers into my shoulder and I smile.

"Don't thank me. It's what's right. If anything and I mean anything happens, I'll be right by your side."

Phil lets go of me and wipes his eyes, "I don't understand. I've been so mean to you and yet you still want to help me." He sniffs.

"Phil, I've always known that there was a reason why you acted the way you do. I don't blame you for how you've been acting. It's completely understandable, okay?"

Phil nods.

"We should go to class now. I was wondering if I could stop by your house again and get to know Jaxon? He seems to be a nice kid."

Phil sniffs and smiles, "He's a amazing kid. He's like a ray of sunshine and he brightens up any room he's in. And, I think he'd like it if you came over. He can't stop going 'Who's Dan?' 'I want to talk to Dan.' 'Can we see Dan?' I swear, he's obsessed with you." He says as we begin to walk.

"All kids love me...accept for my cousin. She absolutely hates me." I sigh.

"How old is she?" Phil asks.

"She's 3, almost 4." I say.

Phil nods and smiles, "I don't think she hates you."

I snort, "Believe me, she does."


"Everyone, this is Phil. Phil, this is Chris and PJ."

"Hey." Chris and PJ say in unison.

"Hi." Phil says back.

"So, you're Phil Lester? Dan has talked a lot about you." Chris smirks.


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