Capitolo Trenta

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The kids and I boarded the plane for the two hour flight that lay ahead, Domenico texted me to ensure that everything was fine. He said that he would be sending several bodyguards that I was familiar with to watch out for us. But for the time being I was fine and out of harms way and would be taken care of by an old family friend of both of our families, Alfredo Costello. 

"Apollonia Manzoni?" A short, jolly looking man that I instantly recognized as Zio Alfredo came towards me with a warm smile and outstretched arms. I hadn't seen him since my wedding but I knew that Domenico and Giacomo had kept in constant contact with him. "Look at how beautiful you are!"

Alfredo Costello was Domenico's godfather and a dear friend of my own father, so it would only make since that he would be the one to take Daniele, Christian, and I in for a short period of time. 

"Look at these boys! They look just like their father, no?" Alfredo led me an awaiting town car and helped me with the bags, taking Daniele from me as Christian became fussy. "You will be staying in one of the hotels I own here. If you were to stay in my home you would be too easy of a target." 

We talked about our families and had idle chit-chat until we pulled up to the large hotel, with the massive fountain set in the middle of the driveway and exotic plants littering all around the entrance. I had been here only once as a little girl but I still remember how entranced I had been by the beauty of the hotel, it felt like being in a palace fit for a king. 

Alfredo helped me up to my room and told me that anything I wanted would be paid for by him. Zio Alfredo was known for being extremely generous so turning him down would be useless. I received a phone call from Domenico late early the next morning as I was feeding Christian and Danny watched cartoons. 

"Are you alright?" He asked once I answered the phone. 

"Yes I'm fine," I responded feeling Christian pull away and announce that he was done with his breakfast. "The boys are good too." 

"Good," he paused before continuing. "I'm sending your father to watch after you." 

"What? Why?" I asked incredulously. "Why would you send him? You said the last time we saw him that you didn't trust him to be around us."

"Because I need all of my people here, not babysitting you and the kids. Your father has a lot of muscle in Italy just like I do, I don't trust anyone besides Alfredo and your father to take care of you the way I would. He wouldn't ever try to kill you and especially not now." I could imagine him pacing around his office, puffing on a cigarette. "Your father may not be especially fond of you Apollonia, but he knows better than to lay a hand on you when you're married to me."

"Fine," I said bitterly laying Christian down in the portable crib that had been brought to the room on Alfredo's orders. 

"Good," he said. "Now put Daniele on the phone." 

I called Daniele to the phone and watched as his eyes lit up with excitement when he heard that his daddy was asking to speak to him. I smiled at my oldest son as he babbled on excitedly for several minutes before there was a knock at the hotel door. I left Daniele on the phone in the bedroom and went to answer the door. 

"Hello Apollonia." 

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