Capitolo Trentaquattro

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"How did the doctor's appointment go?" Domenico questioned in a strained tone of voice. I could tell that he was stressed out and could just imagine him running his hand through his hair giving it a devastating sexy look.

"It was fine, the baby looks good." I whispered, careful not to speak too loud or else I would wake up the boys. "He gave me a prescription for the prenatal vitamins."

"Good," he said through a muffled voice. He must have just lit a cigarette and was placing his lighter back into his pocket. If Antonia saw him do that she would've ripped it out of his mouth, she hated when the men smoked. "It's almost over Apollonia, I promise. Emilio can't be found but we've killed a lot of his men. But my mother and sisters are at a safe house in Palermo so don't worry about them."

"Why couldn't we have gone to a safe house?" I inquired.

"Emilio would have expected that I would have sent you to one of the safe houses," Domenico answered. "He isn't after my sisters or my mother Apollonia. He's after someone that is much more precious to me."

"The kids?" I gasped feeling a sense of fury come over me as I thought of that disgusting excuse for a man would dare to try and touch my children.

"You really are blind Apollonia," he let out a humorless then paused to take a drag of his cigarette. "I'm talking about you. Emilio is trying to get to you."

"Me? Why would he want me?" I couldn't believe that the man that I had the unfortunate experience of meeting on only one occasion was trying to hunt me down.

"He wants you because he knows the way to get to me is to get you and to hurt you. I can't let that happen to you it would destroy me."

"Don't be dramatic Domenico, it would not destroy you by any means. I know you care for me, very much so but it would not ruin you or your organization."

"Apollonia you're more than the person who has my children and waits for me to come home. If you would open your eyes you would know that." I could imagine his face set in a hard scowl. "If I only wanted you to be my wife in name only then I would've taken your virginity whenever I felt like it, or better yet I could've gotten any girl I set my sights on and had her in our bed. But I couldn't do that to you especially after you came home with Daniele, not knowing if I would go back on my word and beat you."

"What are you saying?" I held my breath awaiting his answer, an answer I would never have imagined hearing from him.

"Ti amo, Apollonia." I love you.

I felt hot tears run down my face as an overjoyed grin broke out on my face. I grabbed a tissue and began wiping my face.

"Apollonia? Are you still there?" Domenico called from over the phone.

"Si I am," I let out a shaky breath. "Dom-"

"I don't want you to feel like you have to say it back, Apollonia."

"But Domenico I love you too," I said. I heard a sigh of relief from over the phone and smiled knowing how happy it made him to hear that. A man like Domenico doesn't put his feelings out there often, if ever.

"You make me very happy Apollonia," he said. "You, Daniele, Christian, and my new son make me very happy."

"You make me happy too," I responded through the tears.

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