Capitolo Trentdue

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A special shoutout and thank you to Floslan13 for the new cover for My Mafia Romance. It is so much better than the previous cover!

"So what if I am? It's none of your concern," I retorted. He had no right to stand there and judge me and my family when he was such a crappy father. "Domenico and I will be fine, and so will the boys."

"All I'm saying is that you're moving pretty fast, don't you think?"

"I don't think we are," I responded folding up one of the many baby blankets I had. "If we can provide for them, then there shouldn't be a problem."

"Your husband's world is more dangerous than you think," my father said. "He's involved with some very bad people and he has done some very bad things."

I rolled my eyes at his statement even though my subconscious was screaming at me that what he was saying was one hundred percent true. But how could I believe that Domenico was such a terrible individual when I had seen him with our children. He was, for the most part, an attentive and caring husband and father. He was someone that my own father could learn from.

"And you're such a great husband and father?" I scoffed. "It was a relief getting out of New York and away from you. Domenico may do bad things but he tries his best to keep his business out of our home."

"He's doing a great job," my father said sarcastically. "That's why you and your kids had to pack up and leave your house."

"At least Domenico is a better father than you could ever hope to be," I glared up at him. I let him mistreat me but no way in hell would he talk bad about my family.

My father didn't have anything else to say he simply turned around and let the hotel bedroom without another word. I felt liberated that I was able to shut him up, ironically that was the most my father had ever said to me at one time. However regardless of what he said that pissed me off I knew what type of lifestyle Domenico was in, hell we were both born into it and were fully aware of the risks and dangers that came along with it. But this was the world we lived in and we could only survive if we were smart. To be impulsive and reckless was to be stupid, and being stupid got you killed. You had to trust that your husband knew what he was doing, and I trusted mine completely.

"Mama," Daniele called from his spot on the bed watching cartoons.

"Yes sweetheart," I said having been pulled from my thoughts. "What is it?"

"I'm hungry," he responded while patting his tummy.

"Okay I'll get you something to eat." I ordered room service for Daniele and myself and fed Christian a bottle. One of my father's security guards brought the food into the bedroom for me.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat in the dining room area Miss. Apollonia?" A longtime security guard of my father's asked. "Your father went downstairs to the conference room to have a meeting with Alfredo Costello."

"Oh okay then yes I would like to eat out there." I was relieved to know that my father had left so that I wouldn't be holed up in the bedroom the entire time I was staying here. I cut up the chicken fingers for Daniele and let Christian roll around on his playmate while I ate. Daniele talked my ear off throughout the entire dinner, but I didn't mind. His constant chatter was cute and always put a smile on my face.

After I had cleaned up after the boys and myself, I sat on the couch holding Christian in my lap while Danny stood in front trying to entertain his baby brother and occasionally earning a laugh or a smile from the four month old baby who would look back at me to see I also found it to be funny.

After a half an hour of the boys playing with each other I heard the front door open and deep voices talking in Italian and heavy footsteps. I inwardly groaned because I knew that my father was back. He walked into the living room area where Danny had stopped playing to turn to look at the stranger that he had been oblivious to earlier in the day.

"Have you eaten?" He asked after several minutes of us staring at each other down.

"Yes," I answered shortly obviously not in the mood to be anywhere near him. Of course I was never in the mood to be anywhere near hime.

"Mama who's that?" Daniele looked up at me with big, wondering eyes.

"I'm your nonno," my father said before I could stop him. Where did he get off saying things like that to my son?

"Oh okay," Danny said satisfied with that answer before letting out a yawn.

"I think it's time for a bath and then to go to bed," I ruffled his dark brown hair as Christian dozed off in my arms. Daniele shook his head 'no' defiantly. He hated taking a bath. I stood up to take my sleeping baby boy back to the bedroom where I could put him in the portable crib.

"I can take him for you Apollonia," my father spoke up suddenly.

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