Capitolo Nove

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Over the next few weeks Domenico made sure that I stayed home and away from any potentially dangerous indivduals. I still couldn't stop thinking that my husband had a baby somewhere that he had never even bothered to meet. I wondered if the baby looked anything like Domenico, with thick dark hair and deep dark eyes, or if he looked like his biological mother.

It pained me to know that that helpless and innocent child may never know either of its parents.

I tried not to pester Domenico about the situation but the curiosty was killing me. So after I had prepared lunch for Domenico I sat it on a tray and brought it to his office, making sure to knock first.

"Come in," I heard him yell.

"I brought you your lunch," I smiled setting down the tray on the top of his desk. "Grazi," he thanked me still going over papers and not looking up.

"I had some questions to ask you," I nervously fiddled with the gold bracelet I had gotten for my sixteenth birthday.

"About what?" Domenico obviously wasn't in the mood for my questions, but I had to know.

"About Francesca and your son," I replied taking a seat in the round leather chairs and flinching internally from the harsh look he had directed my way. "I just want to know how old you were when you and Francesca started your affair."

"I was eighteen, she was nineteen," his hard gaze only intensified with each word.

"Do you know how old the baby is now?"

"Three. Why do you care Apollonia?" He looked at me suspicously. "The child is being taken care of, I don't want you to interfer with this."

"But don't you want to have your child here with you? He is your flesh and blood Domenico," I pleaded with him.

"No stay out of it," he roared. "My son is none of business."

"He is my business," I argued. "You didn't tell me you had a child until after we were married and you probably weren't ever going to until Emilio brought it up!"

I was livid that he could sit there and deny ever wanting to see his son, just knowing that there could be a minature version of Domenico out there without a parent caused an ache to throb in my chest.

"You are too soft hearted Apollonia," he said. "Maybe you are just too cold hearted Domenico," I countered.

"I don't care what you have to say about me Apollonia you are not to look for that child or bring him back here. If I wanted to have him with me, I would've done it along time ago," Domenico ended the conversation leaving me standing there dumbstruck.

'Cold hearted bastard' I thought to myself as I stormed out of his office and to the garden area.

Men dressed in black suits stood guard around the compound giving me nods in acknowledgement or a tip of the hat. I knew it really wasn't my place to demand Domenico to hunt for his son and raise him, but I knew he would be a good father given the chance. Besides with the pace that we were going, we would be lucky to have at least one baby in five years.

"Good afternoon Apollonia," Giovanna smiled at me as she carried two tall glasses of ice cold lemonade. "You seem upset is something wrong?"

"I just had a fight with Domenico," I sighed taking a sip from the drink the young brunette offered me. "He just doesn't want to listen to what I have to say."

"I have worked for Mr. Domenico for several years now, and I think that if you go with your gut instinct then he will come around eventually," Giovanna said.

"But with this issue I don't know if I am overstepping my boundaries," I pulled my Ray Ban aviator sunglasses on and sighed.

"I think you will make the right decision for everyone involved," my friend reassured with with a pat on the back.

Giovanna was right, and in my heart I knew the right decision was to bring Domenico's son home where he belonged.

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