Capitolo Trentasei

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At exactly nine o'clock that night the door to the hotel suite opened to reveal Domenico, he looked impeccable as always in his well tailored black suit. Apollonia nearly burst into tears upon seeing him, but she of course blamed it on her hormones. She clung to him like her life depended on it, refusing to release him when he attempted to pry her off of him. "It hasn't been that long has it bella?" He smiled down at her, he had missed her an incredible amount. He didn't realize how much he loved having her around until she was sent away into hiding. Every night he had trouble sleeping when he was not able to reach across the bed and pull her small body to his.

"I missed you," Apollonia said finally loosening her death grip and gazing up at the man she loved. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did," he kissed her hard on the lips when she gave him a cheeky grin. "I missed you and my boys," he rubbed her small baby bump. He had a gut feeling that this next baby would be another boy, at least that's what he was hoping. He wasn't joking when he said that it would be a living hell having a daughter that resembled his wife, he would end up working day and night to keep the boys away.

"Where are my sons?" Domenico asked having felt guilty that the last time he had seen them he was barely acknowledging them.

"They're asleep," Apollonia said. "Daniele tried to stay up but he's been sick and was exhausted. He's going to be so excited when he sees you in the morning!" Apollonia stood up on the tips of her toes to give him another kiss. It was like a dream come true for her to finally have her family together again, at least for tonight she could go to sleep without worrying if her husband was going to make it back to her.

He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. It felt nice for him to finally have his wife back in his arms. He had been longing for the feeling on her sleeping side-by-side with him. Before he had married his Apollonia he threw women out of his home that dared to try and spend the night in his house, let alone his bed but now he couldn't get a good nights sleep without his wife with him.

The next morning Christian entertained his father while he played with his toys. Domenico was surprised to see how much more his second son was doing; like making grunts and gurgles, and sitting up by himself. He realized how much he had missed in the past few weeks that his little family had been away from him, living in this hotel.

"Danny is starting to wake up," Apollonia whispered.

She was hoping to surprise the toddler and was excited to see the look of excitement when he would finally see his father. For a child that was used to see his father everyday he was called confused as to why he wasn't able to see him lately. 

"Daniele let's go eat," Domenico heard his wife gently prod the child up as he held their five month old son. "Come on sweetheart." When she carried him into the main part of the hotel suite he was still half asleep. "Danny there's someone here who wants to see you."

The toddler lifted his head to gaze at her tiredly, as if to ask 'who would that be?' Apollonia pointed towards the beige leather sofa where her husband was sitting watching his oldest son figure out that he was in the room in amusement.

"Danny who's that?" Apollonia asked.

"Daddy!" The toddler was suddenly alert and squirmed to get out of his mother's arms so he could run to greet his father. "My boy," Domenico met him halfway and lifted him up into his arms.

Apollonia went to pick up Christian who had been left in his playpen and was grunting to be let out and included in this family reunion. Daniele had a death grip on his father's neck and showed no indication of letting go anytime soon, so Domenico waved his free arm over to invite his wife and second child into the fold. They enjoyed being together for this small amount of time, Domenico especially relished this because he knew that the worst of this brewing mafia war was far from over ... it was just the beginning. He knew that his family was a target, his wife in particular had a big target on her back.

In the last mafia war Domenico was a teenager and was of the proper age to help his father. He had 'made his bones' and would never again go back to being a sweet, innocent young boy. His mother had been heartbroken at seeing the ruthless and calculated man that her only son and oldest child was becoming. She had five sweet dainty little girls but nothing would ease her devastation at losing her eldest child to her husband's 'family business.'

Domenico knew that Apollonia would go through the same sadness, but it was inevitable and they both knew it. But Apollonia did carry a small inkling of hope that at least one of her children would reject the 'family business' and go onto do something on their own.

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