Capitolo Sedici

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The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. Domenico was still asleep so I took it upon myself to watch him sleep and noticed he looked like Daniele. They both had the same pout when they were sleeping.

"Stop staring at me cara," he said with his eyes still closed. I giggled in response and used by finger to draw circles on his well built chest.

"How are you feeling?" He asked playing with my long, wavy, dark brown hair.

"I feel amazing," I snuggled closer to him. I felt incredible and like a new person, there wasn't that dark cloud of not having sex with my own husband lingering over my head.

"Good. I was nervous that you'd be in a lot of pain today," he sat up bringing me with him.

"It hurts a little but nothing I can't deal with," I said. "How was it for you?" I asked.

"I wasn't a virgin Apollonia," he said confused by my question. I obviously knew he wasn't a virgin.

"I meant was I okay," I fidgeted with the silk bed sheets that covered my still naked body.

"You were fine Apollonia, don't worry so much." He stretched his muscular arms and folded them behind his head.

"But is there anything about me that stands out compared to the other girls you've been with?" I was getting impatient with his answers to the questions I felt were important.

"You've got nice boobs," he said bluntly. "And pretty nice legs and hips." Well now I knew the connection between Antonia and Domenico they both had that bold way of speaking.

"Thank you I think," turning my face to hide by beet red face.

"Don't be shy Apollonia, not many women can be naturally beautiful. I can tell a real woman from one full of plastic." Domenico said standing up in all his naked glory and preceded to get dressed for the day. "But anyway I've got a meeting with Carmine soon downstairs. And before you ask, no I won't tell my cousin about us. You're my wife for gods sake."

"Grazi Domenico, and for the record you weren't to shabby last night either." I gave him a sly smile.

"Dio Mio Apollonia," he sighed shaking his head with a smile. "You're a wild one, I can tell."

By noon I had gone to pick up Daniele from Antonia and Giacomo's house. Antonia preceded to tell me that there was a glow about me that she's never seen before. Thankfully her husband didn't have any idea as to what she was talking about.

"You seem different Apollonia," Giovanna commented. "It's almost like there's a lightness about you now. What happened between now and yesterday?"

"Domenico and I just had a nice evening together," I said. "But enough about me. I want to know how your dinner with Carmine was?"

"It was nice except when Carmine's ex girlfriend came up to us and tried to make a scene," Giovanna had an annoyed look on her face. "Then the woman told me that I was a whore! Can you believe that, I've never even had a boyfriend before."

"What did Carmine say?" My interest was piqued at this point.

"He apologized and took me to a gelato shop," Giovanna lifted Daniele up into her lap.

"Well that was nice of him. Would you go out with him again?"

"I guess so. He's a nice guy, but if he has crazy ex girlfriends running around I don't know if I want to be friends with someone with all that drama." She concluded.

The poor girl just couldn't see that the womanizer Carmine Manzoni was willing to put his playboy ways behind him, if she would just give him the time of day. I knew Giovanna was desperate to get away from her father and someone who would save her from him would be Carmine.

"Let's just see what happens," I concluded the matchmaking schemes all ready running rapid through my mind.

Later that night when it was just our little family, Danny was in one of his rare cranky moods. Domenico had a naturally short temper, I just didn't know how he would handle a toddler throwing a random tantrum.

"Danny calm down," I tried to sooth him while running my hand through his hair. His face was red and wet with tears.

"Darling please stop," I picked him up and tried walking back and forth in an effort to get him to stop screaming. My heart was breaking when he only became more upset.

"Give him to me," my husband's voice sounded from behind me. I turned and quickly handed him the tantrum throwing toddler.

"Daddy!" Daniele sobbed.

"What is it Daniele? Why are you giving mama a hard time?" Domenico said.

He only resumed crying and thrashing his tiny fists against his father. Domenico pressed a kiss to the side of his head and sat down in the rocking chair.

"Go ahead and get some sleep Apollonia," he said. "I'll stay with him."

I nodded and headed towards our bedroom. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.

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