Capitolo Diciotto

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Months had passed and it was incredible to see how everything in our lives was progressing. Daniele was more independent than when he got here and rarely liked to be held anymore. Domenico was still busy doing whatever it was that he did, I still wasn't sure. But we were so much more comfortable with each other.

I had also become more comfortable with my body and now Domenico and I couldn't get enough of each other. I guess Antonia was right about how to get a man.

Domenico's sister Luisa was seeing a guy named Carlo and was bringing him over for dinner. My husband of course was not thrilled that his baby sister was in a seemingly serious relationship, but I told him to get over it. She was a smart, pretty young adult and could make decisions for herself.

That morning I woke up and was instantly hit with a wave of nausea. Domenico was already gone for the day, saying that he had something important to take care of. I rested my head against the cool tile of the bathroom wall after entering the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

When I finally felt well enough I went downstairs to see that Giovanna had already made breakfast. But nothing looked appetizing to me this morning, if anything the sight of food made my stomach churn.

"Is something wrong Apollonia?" Giovanna looked concerned.

"I'm just probably coming down with the flu. I'll be fine," I gave her a weak smile.

"Are you sure you might not be pregnant?" Giovanna asked. "I know women usually have symptoms such as these early one"

The though hadn't even occurred to me. I figured it would be awhile since I didn't get pregnant the first time Domenico and I had sex, but he had never used protection.

"Can you come with me to the doctor?" I asked Giovanna. I didn't trust those home pregnancy tests, and I didn't have one available.

"Of course," she smiled.

Once I had dropped Daniele off with his aunts and grandparents, Giovanna and I headed towards the doctor. He was the same doctor that he delivered all six of the Manzoni children.

After getting my blood work done, he performed an ultrasound.

"Congratulations Mrs. Manzoni," he said with a gentle. "You are indeed with child. I would say you're towards the end of the first trimester, so about three months along. Would you like pictures?"

I nodded still in shock that in six short months I would be holding my baby. Domenico hadn't mentioned anything about us having babies since our first night together but I knew he would be pleased.

Giovanna was even more excited than I was. She was already thinking up names for if the baby was a girl, which she knew I was secretly hoping it was.

"I think Giuliana is a pretty name," she said once we arrived back home. "If I ever have a daughter I want to name her Giuliana, it was my mother's name."

"Then we need to get you married," I nudged her with my elbow. She still was too blind to see that Carmine was still actively pursuing her.

She just waved me off, before going back to her excited chatter of baby names.

"Giovanna sure is in a good mood today," Domenico stated. He had been on edge lately about meeting Luisa's boyfriend.

"I can't understand why," I smirked. "It's not like she's having a baby or anything."

"Well of course not, the girl doesn't even have a boyfriend." Domenico said missing the news I had just told him.

"I mean that she isn't having a baby, she might be happy someone else is." I gave him a pointed look.

"Who do we know that is having a baby?" Domenico asked still clueless. "Us," I gestured between the two of us impatiently.

"Are you serious?" He asked a grin breaking out across his face. I nodded and squealed as he picked me up and twirled me around. "We're having a baby?" He checked to make sure I wasn't lying.

"Yes Domenico, we are having a baby." I said pressing a kiss to his lips which he gladly returned. He then placed his hands on my stomach hoping he could feel something. Thankfully for him a small bump that I had originally blamed on over eating was there for him to examine.

"How far along?" He questioned.

"Three months," I said. "I'm almost at four. There is less of a chance for me to have a miscarriage, so we can tell people."

Domenico wrapped his arms around me and pressed random butterfly kisses all over my face.

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