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Buzz Buzz Buzz Bu-

I switch off my alarm as I squint my eyes to the blinding light seeping through the large window. I didn't sleep last night, just like always.

It's only ten a.m. and the sun is already out, something which is unusual for the winter. It's normally always hidden behind the clouds, showcasing my forlorn mood. 

I get off of my stomach and sit up, running my hands through my hair before putting a shirt on.

She walks in with a tray full of breakfast.

"Rise and shine, breakfast time." She chirps with her bright eyes glistening. I manage to give her a small smile as I thank her, but she can see right through it.

* * *

Five damn years and I haven't seen her. Haven't contacted her apart from that one time, but that failed.

I chicken out every time I try.

It's this thing that holds many people back every day. It stops them from doing what they want, what they love.

It's called fear.

Fear of failing. Fear of losing. For me, it's the fear of losing her forever. I've actually already lost her, haven't I? I mean, why would she wait so long for me? Besides, it's not like that anymore, I have my priorities that I need to put first but I still want to apologise.

I'd love to save our friendship, at the very least. 

I clutch my phone in my hand, maybe I can give her a call.

The question lies and has been for all these years.

Should I or shouldn't I?

* * *

Author's Note: Hey loves! I'm back (see what I did there ;) haha) with chapters!

It feels so good to be writing these type of mysterious chaps again. 

As you can see, this is set from before he meets Emma so bear with me. This is just going to explain some of his short POVs that were confusing at the end of Gone. ;)

Okay, leave me your thoughts in the comments. 

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