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Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Today's important. Very important.

Today's the day I get Emma to hear me out. Finally.

I was hiding behind the bush in front of Emma's house, stalker-like tendencies, to watch and wait for my plan to be carried out.

Yesterday, Lola gave me the worst idea in the world. She wanted me to show up at Emma's doorstep with a marching band. A marching band, need I say more? Emma hates loud noises and I would potentially be ruining my chances of her ever forgiving me if I carried that out, all while potentially making her deaf for eternity.

Yeah, great idea Lola.

So, while she was blabbing on and on about how great it would be if I showed up with my own beating drum, I thought of a great idea.

An idea that would remind Emma of how great our friendship was, before our failed relationship.

The idea was that I would combine all the things I did for Emma over the years- when we were dating and before- one by one, and at the end I'd give something that I never gave her.

I'm just glad I brought it with me before I came back here.

I also went to the local park and paid a bunch of teenagers to help me carry it out. I also knew that Emma would be home today seeing as I went to her boutique and asked a worker where she was.

Some call it stalking, I call it research.

I looked at my watch:


It was time for the first teenager, a girl. She rang the doorbell and a guy opened- I'm pretty sure it's Diesel- but he went back in, probably to call Emma. Thank the heavens he didn't ask the girl about what she held in her hand.

Emma appears at the door and looks at the girl in confusion. She then looks at her extended hands which holds a doll. Emma's eyes widen and her face is shocked.

It was the doll I threw away when we first met. Of course, I couldn't get the exact same one but I got a replica. Emma says something to the girl while smiling and she nods. The door closes.

Number one done.

I get a text immediately:

She asked me where I found it and I said what you told me to:

A very sorry old friend kept it.

She thanked me and she seemed happy.

PS- She's good looking.

I laugh at the last part, Emma is beautiful.


The second teenager was a boy, I opted for a boy-girl pattern only because I like patterns. Sue me.

He knocked on the door and this time Emma opened it straight away. She looked at the boy's hands immediately to find a sunshine pillow. The pillow symbolises all those times in her garden when we used to just lie down on the grass.

Emma smiled and said something to the boy and she closed the door again.

So far, so good.

He texted me too:

She thanked me and said that I'm a sweet boy for bringing this sunshine back. She said she missed it.


I sent over a picture from the barbecue that Emma enjoyed a lot. I got the idea from when I read that diary, she spoke abut how the picture had me feeding her a piece of chicken and how much she adored it. She adored it so much she stapled it to the entry.

That day, I kept the one where I was admiring her laugh after she stole my chicken. So I gave her that one.

Emma's grin only got bigger.


It was a chocolate bar. The chocolate bar I ate before I finally had the guts to ask her out. Alongside it, I had attached a note saying, 'This is long overdue. Enjoy :)'

Emma smiled but it faltered for a bit.

My text read:

She looked a little in pain, almost like a bad memory.

She then muttered, 'It shouldn't be this easy.'

Please Emma, just listen.


I gave Emma the pink and yellow checked blanket from our first date. It was when we went to the beach and had a dinner date there, watching the sun set in the background. 

That day was a lot of fun.

She stroked it lovingly but then shook her head.


It was my time. Diesel wasn't here, seeing as he left to go somewhere ten minutes ago, which made it the perfect time for me to go.

I get up from behind the bush and straighten out my shirt. I then pick up the things I was delivering and make my way to the front of her house.

The teens that helped me stand by the side of her house, out of sight, eagerly watching me. I ring the doorbell and look at them where they flash me a thumbs up.

Emma opens the door after about a minute and says, "Look I don't know where you're getting all these things from but it's getting annoyi-"

She looked up and saw me, completely cutting off what she was saying.

"Hi," I smile and she smiles back a little before she erases it, "I'm here to deliver something." I try as I extend my hands out, just like the teenagers did.

She looks at the I'm sorry frame in lights, that represent the lights I used to ask her out, and the silver chain I'm holding. She furrows her eyebrows for a minute but she then recognises it.

It was my mother's necklace.

All the while she wasn't looking up, the teenagers placed the huge teddy behind me and gave me a little tap to let me know. I step to the side and Emma looks at the stuffed animal in front of her in awe. She always had a thing for teddy bears.

"Emma," I say and she slowly looks at me, "Can we talk?"

She doesn't say anything and I feel defeated.

But then she nods.

* * *


THEY'RE GOING TO TALK. LIKE REAL TALK. NO ARGUING, I hope. Did you think she wasn't going to? Haha, I'm evil at times :) #sorrynotsorry

Who is excited? What do you think is going to happen when they talk?

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