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Time moves along, it keeps going and never stops for anyone. During this time, people change. It's ineluctable. They may change tiny things about themselves or even larger ones, but they do change. They just do.

Emma changed. When I came back, I wasn't of course expecting her to be the eighteen year old I left her as, but she was very different. Back when we were younger, she had a façade that she kept on for everyone except me. But when I saw her after all these years, she shielded herself from me too. She blocked me out, just like she did with everyone else.

But as I sit here, watching my best friend talk animatedly as she sips on her coffee, I see the same Emma who I knew and grew up with. The same Emma who became my best friend, the same Emma who played with me, the same Emma who held me when my mum died and the same Emma who I fell in love with.

"Issac?" She waves her hand in front of my face, breaking me out of my reverie.

"Yes Em?" I smile at her.

She gives me a weird look, "I was just telling you about that guy who was flirting with me when I went to go grab our coffees, were you even listening?"

"Y-yeah," I smile innocently and she gives me an unamused look, "No..."

"Gosh Issac, you just missed half an hour's worth of ranting about this young guy flirting with me!" She slaps me on my arm and I wince. She has a strong arm, "I swear I felt like I was a paedophile, the child was sixteen for heaven's sake!"

I start laughing, something she didn't take quite as well, "Issac, that's not funny! Paedophilia is a serious thing!"

"I know, I know. I'm not laughing at that, I'm laughing at the creeped out look on your face. You were disgusted with yourself!"

"Shut up," Emma crosses her arms and faces the window.




"Oh hi, are you here to get this young lady's number?" I say and Emma turns her head suddenly. When she realises I'm joking, she glares at me.

"Issac! Stop teasing me, that boy was creepy."

"What? He liked you, you're his crush." I say in a sing-song voice.

"What's got you in a good mood today?" I shrug and simply smile, even though I know the reason.

It's because even after all these years our friendship hasn't changed. The constant teasing, the bickering and then the making up afterwards; it never gets old. They say friends don't necessarily last forever, but I have a partner in crime who's here to stay.

"You know you're blanking out a lot today? Tell me what you're thinking." She says as she nudges me a little. I shake my head, "Come on Issac, please tell me," I shake my head again but smile for the umpteenth time, "I'll buy you a muffin," I hesitate, but still shake my head, "You know you want to..."

Why not?

"You want to know what I'm thinking of?" I ask, and she nods her head eagerly.

"I'm thinking of time and how everyone moves along. I'm thinking of how no one stops to reflect or think about how things have changed. I'm thinking about how so many people lose others but don't seem to care.

"But I'm also thinking about us. About how we changed, stayed apart yet came back together again. I'm thinking about our friendship and how we patched things up so easily, whereas there are people in the world who hold grudges that last a lifetime.

"For that, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for all the moments we've spent together and for all the problems we've had. Because without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. We wouldn't still be best friends, because it would all be boring. Emma, you're the best friend I hope everyone can find."

I was so lost in my speech that I didn't realise Emma started crying, "Oh my goodness! What happened Emma? Did that guy come again for you while I was lost in my thoughts?"

"No," She says as she wipes her tears, "It's you." Me?

"What did I do?"

"You're a big cheeseball. All your sweet words and compliments just make me tear up."

"I'm sor-"

"Hush, Issac. You've had your go and now it's mine. The time when we became friends was a time I didn't ever pay much attention to. I always just thought that it wasn't anything special. But then, we grew closer as time went on and eventually developed feelings for one another. That's when things changed.

"You left and I was heartbroken but I was never angry at you Issac. I wanted to know why you left because it was all so sudden. I mean, we were best friends before we went out. I grew up, but never hated you. I met Lola and I met Diesel, that's when I went from being alone to having a best friend and boyfriend again.

"But then you turn up after five years and I'm all conflicted. I wasn't expecting it, so I didn't know how to react. I thought about it a lot until I realised I'm tired of it all, I don't want to hold grudges anymore. So I forgave you. You know what? I'm sure that forgiving you was closest to being the best decision I ever made because no matter what, no one can beat you as my best friend Issac."

She gets up and so do I. We both hug each other and then sit back down, "Now where's my cupcake?" I say with a smirk.

Emma rolls her eyes and but proceeds to get up, "I'm going, you better hope for your sake that the young boy's shift is over."

"Savannah?" I say as I look behind Emma at the entrance.

Emma turns around to see my fiancé, "Who's Savannah?"


* * *



I'm going to keep this short and sweet seeing as I have the Thank You's coming up next :)

I hope you enjoyed this story lovelies. What did you think of the ending?

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